The Clubs

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Cyl had never seen the studio and gym so crowded. Several men he knew for a fact only ever came out for meals were now crowded by the doors, desperate for a look at the last lot of newcomers.

"Ugh," Chai grunted, craning his neck in an attempt to peer over the throng. "Most of these guys already have their partners. Why do they need to be here?"

"They're just curious," Mika assured him. "Besides, you'll be roommates; you could always wait there."

Chai shook his head. "Too awkward," he murmured dismissively. "What if he walked in on me or something?"

Cyl felt his face colour.

"Here they come!" an excited voice sounded from the front.

The crowd seemed to sway as everyone began to jostle for a better position, and Cyl felt himself being pushed and pulled away from his friends, eventually ending up pressed against the window into the foyer where the group of Clubs were gathered.

The team was smaller than he'd imagined, especially compared to the number of Spades and Diamonds that had arrived. They also looked surprisingly normal. A couple of them waved at the crowds as Satzki began to address them, before the entire group dispersed to mill around while they were each shown to their rooms.

Cyl watched as the first two men headed toward the elevator with Satzki, though the trio was interrupted when a figure suddenly burst out of the gym and jogged toward them.

It took a moment for Cyl to recognise Suki. His black hair wasn't pulled back in its usual up-do today; his overgrown bangs falling in his face instead.

Satzki seemed genuinely surprised to see Suki, only now noticing the large crowds that had gathered to watch. He turned to murmur something to the others, excusing himself, before heading toward the gym and pushing the door open. After a moment a smaller crowd began to file out one by one, gathering by the wall as Satzki approached the studio and pushed the door open.

"If anyone in here is waiting for their partners, come out now, please," he called out.

Cyl felt as people began to push and shove their way to the front again, pressing him even harder against the window. Something patted his shoulder and Cyl looked up to see Chai waving excitedly as he passed by. By the time they'd all left the room's population had decreased by at least a third, making it much easier to breathe again.

"Most of them are Diamonds," Mika's voice sounded from behind as he moved to stand beside Cyl.

The younger man nodded slowly. He barely recognised anyone other than the Hearts he'd had pointed out to him earlier. "Do you seriously know everyone here?"

Mika laughed. "Not closely," he replied. "But I thought I'd make an effort to at least learn names -- and most people introduce themselves with their suits."

Cyl nodded again. Mika clearly had a good memory when it came to faces - better than Cyl's, anyway - and the young man made a mental note to not share anything too juicy with him; after all, even if he didn't know the others personally, gossip seemed to be Mika's favourite conversation starter.

Outside the studio the Clubs were quickly being partnered up, and Cyl watched as Chai was introduced to a tall gaunt man with yellow-green eyes. His silver-blond hair had grown past his shoulders, and his much darker natural roots were beginning to show through. He seemed pleased, nodding along as Chai babbled to him before they both turned to look at Cyl.

Chai waved before beckoning for Cyl to join them, and the young man felt Mika nudge him from behind, urging him toward the door.

Cyl crossed the foyer, stopping awkwardly in front of the pair.

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