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Evie grabs me by both of my cheeks and she slams her lips into mine hard core making out with me.

Our tongues slithered around the inside of each other's mouths as I then held the back of Evie's head with my hand as I kissed her back.

I felt bad that I was doing this since I was dating Tate, but me and Evie have kissed thousands of times and they've never really meant anything so I'm sure he won't mind.

Evie still had her hand on my cheek and she had placed her other one on my right cheek(iykyk) and I still had my hand on the back of Evie's head with a bit of hair being squeezed in between my fingers as we made out almost out of breath.

Then Evie finally pulled away gasping for air as we opened our eyes and stared at each other.

We both then just started giggling and we let go of each other laughing so hard at that point we barely knew what had just happened.

I then looked around and I saw Tate and his jaw was dropped and he was frowning, highly confused on what he had just witnessed.

Evie grabbed my jaw and turned me around placing another kiss on my lips and then pulling away.

"Your a good kisser." She smirked at me.

"Your not so bad yourself." I winked at her and laughed.

I then turn back around and I quickly walk over to Tate, and I almost trip over but he catched me in his arms just before I properly fell.

"Awh, thank you my skull daddy." I drunkenly lift myself up and I smile at him and start giggling.

"What was that?" He says still shocked from what had happened, holding my arms so I wouldn't fall over again.

"Oh don't worry about it, it's really nothing. Me and Evie kiss alllllll the time." I attempt to reassure him by lightly tapping his shoulder with my palm.

"Oh.. wait what?" He frowns at me confused.

"It's fineee Tate, it doesn't mean anything to either of us. I prr-pruh-pruhmise!" I giggle.

"Okay, I believe you Y/n." He sighs and smiles at me.

"Awhhhh, thank youuu. Come on, let's go get you some drinks!" I grabbed his hand taking him to another room that had more shots.

We'd been at the party for a few hours now and we were all absolutely hammered, awake by a thread honestly. And we where all in a conga-line walking all throughout the mansion singing along to 'Girls just wanna have fun-Cyndi Lauper'.

"Girls just wanna have fun! Oh girls just wanna have fun!" Tate, Evie and I sung with a few voice cracks as we danced along in the conga line.

Tate had his hands on my shoulders, and I had my hands wrapped around Evie's waist.

"Girls, they wanna! Wanna have fun, girls! Wanna have, they just wanna, they just wanna have fun!" We all sang along as the song was coming to an end.

The song then ended and the conga line basically broke apart, everyone was so tired from singing and dancing that everyone was either sat on the floor, or the couches and chairs.

Evie plopped down onto the couch and Tate plopped down next to her keeping his distance, and I just plopped down onto Tate's lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck and I look at him in the eyes and smiled, he smiled drunkenly back at me.

"I love you Tay-Tay... Tate!" I giggle.

"I love you to Y/n." He smiled at me.

"Wanna make out?" I shrug.

 Gasoline//American Horror story x Thirteen(2003)\\Where stories live. Discover now