Derby hats and Flowers

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The tweeting of birds outside my window, helps me wake up to a soothing beautiful day. I pick my phone off of the table right next to the bed. 8:20… Niceee.

I close my eyes and breathe in slowly. "10 minutes!" I yell sitting straight up practically jumping right off my bed and running into the bathroom, I rush brushing my teeth and washing my face and pull some random clothes out of the walk-in closet. Pulling out waist-high fishnet stockings, 3-in above the knee red and black plaid skirt w/ a black belt and a chain that hooks onto the belt, as well as a tucked in black shaggy long-sleeved shirt. Rushing to put it on, I quickly managed to leave the empty house, and ran as fast as I could to school.

I continue to constantly check my phone as I was running, as time got closer and closer till school started. "Ugh" I complain as I feel the wind blow through my hair thanks to my speed.

Entering the school I race up the empty stairs and bust into my classroom, I sigh checking the time, 8:28 woo! I made it, "Good job making it on time Y/n" Miss Bustier says nicely.

I huff out holding onto my knees to gain my breath "Thank… you" i breath out.

Groaning i lift my way back up into a normal stance and begin flatting my skirt as i look up to the class, I send them an embarrassed smile, as they started asking me if I was okay with a few bits of laughter. "Just slept in" i reply walking up the stairs.

I make my way around Ivan to my seat on the left, me and Ivan began chatting. After a minute Mr. Damocles walks in "You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design. In ten hours your fittest presentation will be judged by none other than the great fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, the father of our very own student Adrien Agreste. In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photoshoot. And now, to announce this year's theme: derby hats." Ughhhh episode Mr. Pigeon, I groan quietly.

"Derby hats?" I hear from Marin, he turns to see Chloé giving him a thumbs down. Once the bell rings we walk as a group with Marin frantically looking through his sketches. I begin chewing oh some toast I made myself this morning, while I was in a rush.. i forgot the other one in the toaster but it's all okay.

"Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat...! I don’t have any derby hat designs. I’ve got top hats, caps, even two-horned hats! Need a beret? I’m your boy. A sombrero? No problem-o. But a derby?! You know what? It won’t even matter, 'cause I’ll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste; give him a full-blown concussion and I'll never be a world-renowned fashion designer. MY LIFE IS OVER!"

I completely listen to his whole melt down, without laughing… i deserve a fucking treat.

"All this over a derby hat? Let me see your sketchpad. There must be something in here." Alya says taking the sketchpad, Adrien and Nino begin looking at it too.

I hum, moving the bread away from my face for a second. "how about you make a new design?" I asks looking down at my lap, as i stick the last piece back into my mouth, looking like a anime school girl rushing to school.. Marin stops complaining, leaving me worried. I look up to see his eyes wide.

"Y/n!" He squeals grabbing my hands as he pulls me up and spins me around in a few circles. "Your a genius!" He finishes looking deeply into my eye with an ear to ear smile.

My jaw drops open, seeing his masterpiece of a face so close to mine. The toast falls out of my mouth and kisses the floor. "My toast!" I shriek crouching down to cup it in my hand. "No.." i whine out, looking up to Marin with 'why?' face.

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