The Truth in my silence

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Humming lightly I part my hair into six parts. As soon as I got home yesterday I couldn't sleep. Literally.

My anxiety is filled to what feels like the brim! Will my friends hate me once they see me again? Will we not be friends? Ugh! Im totally over thinking! They love me... Right?

My fingers lightly touch one of the cyan highlights in my hair. I had to do something so I just added the collar on a few strands of hair, it's to stop me from freaking out, I really don't want to go to school, after all that crying I did in New York before I left them…

But, I'm just scared. It's okay to say that right?

Ugh I'm thinking too much in my own head!

My door opens, “Oh you're already up” Indigo says bringing me a glass of water.

Did they leave yet?” I ask, referring to my family. They decided to stick around for a while.

The dark skinned man shakes his head ‘no’. “It’s about time for you to go to school” He says making his way back over to my door.

Or just dont go at all” I mutter, as he closes the door. I groan, pressing my forehead against my desk. After a bit of thinking i go to put on a purple Llama thick knitted sweater that fell down to my lower thigh and a light brown leggings. Slipping on black vans i make my way downstairs hearing chattering from the kitchen.

I peak around the corner seeing a happy vibe between my bio family and Natalia and Indigo. Feels like a real home.

What exactly is the meaning of a home though?

I look down towards the wooden floor. “Y/n?” My eyes glance up meeting Natalia. “You know you’ll end up late-” I nod cutting her off as i look away from her.

Hearing a sigh from her i look back seeing a gentle smile on her face. “Want to go together?” Its always weird that she somehow understands me, my lips lift up slightly giving her my answer.

I can finally send you off to school for once!” Donovan says with a grin on his face as he pinches a strand of my hair.

I instantly slap his hand away, “I don't recall asking you to come along” Is what i said.

But... No one listened.

I sigh walking aside Charlie as Kamari, Donovan and Aaron gasp and awe at everything we passed.

You should start speaking out” I glance over to Charlie and hum. “Those two in New York, you like them don’t you?”

How did you-” They put their finger on their mouth in a ‘hush’ motion.

Being around so many people as a job, observing is normal” They comb through their hand with their fingers, “I think you should tell the truth.”

I look towards them, “A-and what would that be?”

That you like them.”

i sigh out somewhat relieved they didn't figure out they were Paris’s heroes. Staying quiet, I stop.

My eyes widened seeing Adrian exit his limo with Nino the others waiting for him at the top of the stairs. I quickly grab Donovan and Kamari and drag them behind a wall, the same one Marinette hid behind in the bubbler episode.

How nostalgic.

It’s not the same-” Adrian begins. “Without her” Marin says.

My eyes mellow out as I lean my head against the wall listening to them.

Dude, I'm sure she’ll contact us, no need to be so sad.” Nino says trying to light up the atmosphere.

Blue Moon | Male!Marinette X Reader X Adrian (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now