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A/N - This one is short so I'll post it with the next Chapter.

"Y/n~" i grumble hearing my name annoyingly.


"Y/n~" another familiar voice says.

I crack my eyes open seeing it was still dark outside. What? My eyes dart to two figures moving in the dark of my corner.

My fingers grip my sheets as i lay still waiting for something… anything. They take a step forward making long strides over to my bed, i fall out of bed trying to crawl my way away from the dark figures.

As soon as they get close to me, the light from the moon aids in brightening their faces. "Ladybug? Chat Noir?" I question, looking at them… no… it's not them… I'm not getting that bubbly feeling in my chest.

"Wouldn't it have just been better if you never fell in love with us?" Chat asks twirling a strand a hair.

"Wh- i don't… like you.." i stutter as ladybug tightly grips my jaw, the pressure makes my eyes prick with tears.

"Liars are disgusting" the bug says looks at me with a smirk.

Okay… i like dominate people… but this is too mean for me. I smack Ladybugs hand away standing up as my back was pressed against my balcony door.

"Fuck off!" I spitefully say.

Ladybug chuckles tightly grabbing my wrist pulling me closer to them. "Did we fucking tell you to move?" He asks, looking over me.

Chat looks at me with disgust, "A girl like you? Who would actually fall in love with you?"

"Just like your mother says… 'The disappointment' in your bloodline" tears fall from my eyes as Ladybug tightens his grip on my wrist.

"Let go of me!" I yell at him,

"This is the most attention you'll ever get from us, enjoy it" Chat says with a sneer.

My face scrunches up as i knee Ladybug in the crotch. He let go of me as i run downstairs. Make my way out the house, i see many weird things around town, some people are running from what would be their nightmare. 

I run down the street keeping my eyes on the ground below me, so i wouldn't land on anything painful. I accidentally bump into someone as i was staring at the ground.

"Oof" I groan looking up to find Ladybug and Chat Noir. My body shivers as i stand back from them.

"Y/n?" Ladybug asks reaching out for me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell holding my bruised arm to my chest.

"What happened?" Chat asks moving closer only for me to move back, that is till my back collides with another person's.

"Yeah, wanna tell them.. or should we?" The nightmare Chat asks grabbing my hurt arm.

"St-stop!" I yell trying to pull out his grip, looking back at the other two for help.

"Why resist, does it look like they'll actually help you?" Ladybug asks gripping my jaw again, i tear up looking down…

'why would they care?' I sniff wiping my tears away.

"Let go of her" Ladybug says as him and Chat were in a fighting stance.

"Awe it seems they still can't accept that we're how you see them" Nightmare Chat says.

"Don't worry… love.. we'll always be there to remind you" Nightmare Ladybug whispers into my ear.

"That's how you see us?" Chat asks clearly stunned.

Not able to form any words i look down at my bare feet. "Fuck you" i whisper to the nightmare versions, "No one told you to tell my fucking business" i say louder kicking Chat Noir this time. I don't think they ever learned, don't leave your privates unprotected if your gonna mess with me.

He angeryly groans holding his area, i turn around making my way behind the two real heros seeing Chat make a face of discomfort before they both put in some work somehow knocking out the two nightmares.

"The Sandboy just checked in! ♪ ♪ Now nightmares can begin! ♪" we look into the sky seeing Sandboy.

"Look! His cloud is shaped like a pillow! I'll bet you anything that's where his akuma is."

"Awesome! Then time for a pillow fight!" Chat says as they make their way to Attack him.

My eyes land on a spear on the sidewalk. Is that someones nightmare? I mean i can't complain… i had a nightmare about a bunny once so… i rush to pick up the spear making my way over the The heros and the akumatized victim.

He continues dodging their attacks, only to end up close to me. "You won't be able to fight your worst nightmare-" i shove the spear upwards getting it impaled into the pillow. "Hey!" The kid shouts at me.

"Hey. I think it's past your bedtime." I frown taking the spear from one end of the pillow to the other, "I don't like Nightmares kid" i say a the pillow falls flat onto the ground.

The kid lands on his hands, as the Akuma comes out of the object. Crossing my arms i make my way from the scene, since i still have school tomorrow.

Fucking Hawkmoth… fucking nightmare. FUCK!

A/N- 863 Words

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