Headmaster's Office

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I sprung up from my bed, the feeling of freezing cold water drenching my face, as I frantically moved around, trying to find some sense of warmth, in the soaked sheets.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, my body shivering.

"I woke you up 4 times already, I was left no choice" Giovanni said, standing over me with an empty bowl in hand.

I groaned, flopping back down onto my wet bed.

I looked across at the clock on my beside table, seeing it read 6:27.

Letting out a loud sigh, I sat up and rolled off the bed, grogging over to my bathroom.

It's the last semester of my first year at university, and while I appreciate sleeping with hot girls at every chance, this waking up early shit, is not it.

I pulled my shirt over my head, taking off my clothes and getting into the shower.


As we pulled up outside the campus, I was about to get out, when Giovanni locked the doors to the car.

"Leaving without something?" he asked, making me turn to him.

I looked at him with an extremely confused face.

"Leaving without telling your brother you love him?" he smirked.

"Giovanni, no."

"Just say it, it's not that hard."



I glared at his smirking face, knowing he wouldn't let me out until I said it.

Keeping my focus on him, I slowly inched my finger to the lock on my door, attempting to keep it subtle.

Just as my hand pulled the lock, as quickly it locked back. Groaning at his perseverance, I gave in and sat back.

"I love you Giovanni" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that? Didn't hear you" he said, turning his head and bringing it closer to my face.

"I said I love you, dumbass" I pushed him away.

He chuckled, unlocking the doors, and letting me leave.

"I love you too!" he yelled, as I walked away from his car and onto campus.

Not long after I entered the tall golden gates, Jacob found me and began walking at my side.

"Where were you last night dude? That party as Francis' house was epic" he cooed, using his hands to gesture an explosion.

"Couldn't come. Giovanni has me under surveillance after the Morrison indicent," I replied, cringing at the thought of the situation.

A few weeks ago, we went to this party at Kevin Morrison's house, and let's just say things didn't end well for both parties.

My first class of the day was supposed to be Biology, but my trip to the 2nd floor class was cut short.

"Gianna Lucas, please come down to Headmaster Rivas' office, immediately."

My name was called through the PA system.

My course was uprooted, as I made a beeline for the office.

As far as I could remember, I haven't done anything too mischievous in the past week, so I have absolutely no idea, what the hell this call is for.

I knocked gently on the door, pushing it open to see Headmaster Rivas and another woman in there.

She looked young, but still older than I was, possibly a student. She had dark curly hair, pulled back into a bun, with beautiful dark skin and the most stunning shade of brown in her eyes, dressed in black cargo pants, with a long sleeved sweater, gold jewelery complimenting her.

She was beautiful.

I entered the room cautiously, still unsure what I was doing there.

"Ms. Lucas, please, have a seat" Ms. Rivas invited.

I sat in one of the chairs on the other side of her desk, placing my bag down at the side.

"I know you're probably wondering why you're here, considering you've managed to keep yourself out of trouble within the past week or so....that we now of." she began.

"We're here because of your grade. You're at the bottom of the class, you're barely passing, Ms. Lucas. If you wish to continue playing for this school's basketball team, you need to get that grade way higher."

"Wait, what?"

The fuck does she mean I can't play?

"Why can't I play with shit grades?"

"Because, Ms. Lucas," she sighed, choosing to ignore the foul language. "Need I remind you, that you're in this institution off a sports scholarship? If you lose that scholarship, you will have to begin paying your tuitions in full to stay here. Not being able to play gives you more time off court to work on your grades."

"So I'm just supposed to magically become awesome at Chem?" I retorted, the full blast of this situation hitting me.

"Wh- no. It's absolutely ridiculous to expect that. Which is why we've provided you a tutor," she told me, gesturing to the girl stood next to her.

I forgot she was even in here.

"Ms. Lucas, this is Annalise Roman. She's 2 years above you, and one of the most intelligent students we have to offer."

For the first time since I entered the office, she looked up at me with blank eyes.

Her hands remained behind her back, as she bit at the corner of her lip, not saying a word.

"Well then," Rivas broke the silence. "I expect you two, will organize whatever schedule suits you for your sessions. That's all, you're both dismissed."

With that, I grabbed my bag and left the room, Annalise following behind me.

As the door closed shut behind us, she looked up at me, seemingly noticing the height difference.

"Mondays and Fridays work for you?" she asked.

Holy shit. Even her voice sounded sweet.

I nodded my head, which she approved of, walking off around the corner.

Well, this was bound to be fun.....

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