There's No Room for You Here

154 9 3

Annalise POV:

Since our last session in the library, Gianna's been hanging around a lot more.

I definitely didn't mind the extra company, since my best friend, Eva, was in Cuba, visiting her step-grandparents, but God, this girl is annoying.

"Annaliseeeeee" she sang into my ear, walking backwards to see my face.

"Hello to you too Gianna" I replied, giving her a small smile.

"I come with bad news" she finally began walking normally.

"I can't make it for today's session. I have to work an earlier shift, because my brother won't be home tonight and he wants me inside before he leaves."

I looked at her with questioning eyes, pretending as though I didn't believe her.

"Oh come on, I would never lie to my favourite tutor" she whined.

I shook my head, laughing at her childlike behaviour.

"Fine, fine. But you do realize this means that we're gonna have a makeup session, right?" I asked, raising my brow.

She let out a long drawn out sigh, before shaking her head.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't say that."

"I thought you enjoyed spending time with me?" I feigned hurt.

"I enjoy your presence, not chemistry's presence."

I laughed at her statement, just before the bell rang.

We both left off on our separate ways, going to different classes


I walked into the library, sitting at a desk to the back.

Today was really shitty.

After my talk with Gianna this morning, I noticed Ethan watching us from a distance.

And after that, I saw him throughout the day, simply gazing at me.

And on top of that, I have a shit ton of homework to finish for tomorrow's classes.

I mentally sighed at the pile of papers in front of me, preparing to begin.

As I sat there peacefully doing my assignments, a disturbance made its way to my area, as it knocked on the edge of my table.

Unwillingly, I looked up to meet Ethan standing over me.

Where are my headphones when I need them??

"Hey Lis" he smiled at me.

"Hello Ethan" I said through gritted teeth.

"Uhm.. what are you doing?" he asked, sitting down opposite from me.


"Work." I responded bluntly, refocusing on the paper in front of me.

"Okay....I saw you started tutoring Lil Lucas" he continued.

Does he not know how to take a fucking hint?

"That I did" my head still hung low.

I could hear him shifting in his seat, probably trying to find something else to talk about. I really don't need this right now.

I sighed, and rest my hand over my face.

"You okay?" he asked, something of worry in his voice.

"No, Ethan, I'm not okay" I tell him.

"Look, I understand that you're not over it, but I am. We didn't work out because I can't bring myself to feel safe around you, as well as other reasons, that I am very sure, I've made clear to you. I really am sorry that you got caught in midst of that drama, but please, move on. And while you're at it, leave Gianna out of whatever trouble you're involved in."

He looked at me with doe eyes, processing everything I've just said.

He visibly swallowed, and took a breath.

"I love you Annali-"

"I'm gay Ethan." I didn't give him a chance to finish.

"I'm a lesbian, a homosexual, I like women" I rattled off to him.

He still sat there, staring at me as though he didn't hear what I said.

"Maybe you should just think about this....maybe I just didn't treat you good enough that you think a woman will do. I get it-"

"No you fucking don't." I got out of my seat, and began packing my things.

When I finished and he was still sitting there, I rolled my eyes before delivering the final blow.

"You know're right. No man could treat me better than a woman, and especially not you."

With that I walked off, leaving the library and the school in a rush.

As I got into my car and began to pull out, I saw him standing on the stairs outside the school, anger on his face.

I left the compound, intended on going home, but then my gas light came on, so I turned into the gas station just before my turn off.

There wasn't many other people in here, so I got out and went to pay the fee before putting the gas.

As I was walking back to my car, there stood a familiar tall girl with her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"You work at the gas station?" I asked, making her turn around to face me.

"Oh my goodness it's my favourite tutor" she feigned shock, as she put her hands on her hips.

She looked incredibly cute right now.

The thought crossed my mind, before I realized that I was staring.

I looked away, and handed her the card with how much gas to put in.

She gently took it from me, reading it before putting in the pump.

She turned back to me, sending a soft smile my way before going back to what she was doing.

Subtly, I watched her. I admired her features, noticing how sharp her jawline was for the first time.

Her eyes, were a beautiful hazel colour, which really accented her skin tone.

She was very tall, which made me feel a little warm.

Her hair was a light curly brown, which framed her face beautifully.

And that was so adorable it made my heart race.

She finally turned back to me, janding me the card once more, before walking off, but not without winking at me and waving goodbye.

I waved back, almost failing to hide the smile creeping to my face.

As I got back into my car, I calmed myself down, and left to go home.

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