Star Struck

157 7 3

Annalise POV:

This week the school was having the annual activity fair.

Each field has their own section, which is divided amongst year groups, which take place on different days.

First years are on Monday, Mid class is on Wednesday, and Seniors are on Friday. 

Today is my day, Friday.

My field, creative arts, was barely busy. Not many people cared to see it, because most of it was simply paintings and some sculptures.

There were people here, but not more than maybe 95.

I sat in the corner on my phone, almost bored out of my mind, when I saw a fabulously dressed, freshly done up Eva.

As we locked eyes, our smiles grew wide as we ran to embrace.

"Oh my god, you're here!" I squealed, hugging her tightly.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss seeing your weirdly mesmerizing art, like ever" she said, as we pulled back to see each other.

I pulled her over to my exhibit, showing her all the pieces. When we got to mine, she gasped so loud, all the other people in the hall heard her.

I slapped her shoulder, silently scolding her for her stupidity. 

As we continued to walk, we talked about the different paintings, mostly her asking me questions, to which I explained the different art styles, and meaning for different mediums.

While we caught up, I took her from the fair, while I had my break.

We walked through the hallways of the school, talking each other's ears off. It felt so wonderful to have someone to rant with again. Gianna was nice to talk to, but with Eva, I didn't have to reintroduce myself. Even though it didn't feel like I was introducing myself at all, there were still things she didn't know, that I'd have to tell her.

As we neared the library, we passed outside the boys' bathroom, where the tall girl in question stood.

She was dressed casually, in navy blue basketball shorts and a black tee, her hair in a messy bun, curls falling free everywhere. She stared at her phone, typing away quickly, with a stressed look on her face.

Eva followed my line of sight, as I'd tuned out of our conversation the moment my eyes met her figure.

"Who is that?" she purred in a drawn out voice.

I turned to look at her, seeing her size up Gianna's body. I followed, doing the same. Her leg was leaned against the wall, the bottom of her sneakers, on the tiles. Her shorts showed off her athletic legs perfectly, showing off her defined calves and a little bit of her thigh.

Her arms however, my god.

Her arms were rather defined, as her muscles popped out no matter what she wore. Her muscles weren't extremely big, but enough to make her intensely attractive. With how fast she was typing on her phone, only made the veins in her forearms move, as they flexed from the movement.

"You're staring babe" Eva whispered to me.

I quickly caught myself, trying my best to pretend as though I hadn't been staring at her just a few seconds ago.

I inhaled a soft breath, before grabbing Eva's hand and walking up to her.

As we got closer, her attention remained focused on her phone, barely even noticing our presence.

"Hi" I said sweetly.

Her eyes stayed on her phone as her head faced up, before her eyes followed suit. When our eyes met, she smiled at me softly, to which I smiled back sweetly.

"Hey" she said, her voice a bit husky.

we looked at each other for a few seconds, before we spoke.

"This my friend Eva" I introduced the two. "Eva, Gianna. Gianna, Eva."

They exchanged a welcoming smile, before Eva spoke.

"I'm gonna go ahead to the library" she said in a mischievous voice, winking at me not so subtly.

I rolled my eyes at her as she walked off, leaving me stood there with Gianna.

"How are you doing? Last time we spoke it didn't seem too good" I asked concerned.

She gave me a soft smile, before locking her phone and putting it away.

"It's been as good as it can be" she said, her voice still so rough, it made something inside me warm.

"I've also been meaning to ask you, could we do classes at my house from now on? Or yours if you're more comfortable with that" she said shyly, her eyes looking with hope.

"Yea, yea that's fine" I replied, looking back into her eyes with gent. "Same days?"

She nodded her head quietly.

"Same days."

Just as the words left her lips, the door for the boys' bathrooms swung open, and out walked 3 of them.

An asian boy with short hair, who's usually with Gianna, another I didn't know, and Ethan.

The boys began to speak to Gianna, almost ignoring my presence.

While the other two spoke to her, I stared at the ground uncomfortably, feeling a pair of piercing eyes staring into the side of my head.

"Annalise?" her voice came out soft and gentle. "You okay?"

I nodded at her, keeping my eyes focused on her face.

"I uh, I have to go find Eva. I'll talk to you later?" I said, my heart beating faster the longer he stared at me.

Before she could nod her head fully, I walked off, going straight to the library.

I opened the door, and searched for Eva.

As I laid my eyes on her, I almost ran to her side, sitting as close as I could.

"Hey what's u-" I cut her off with a huge embrace.

She didn't question my actions, which I was thankful for, and just hugged me back, rubbing my shoulders in a comforting way.

"Ethan is a pain in the ass" I mumbled into her shirt.

She chuckled at me, giving me a light squeeze.

"I hate saying it you know, but I did tell you so" she teased, making me pull away to look at her.

I gave her a dread 'be serious' look. When Ethan and I were together all she did was tell me how hot he was. That is, until I actually spoke up.

I rolled my eyes at her, before putting my head back on her chest.

We sat there together for a little while, until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

It was a text from Peter, one of my partners for a piece, saying we had to get back to the hall.

I pulled Eva up from the chair, as we made our way out of the library, going the longer route to avoid Ethan, and by extension, Gianna.

My mind drifted to the curly headed girl, wondering about our last conversation.

I'm not sure if it's me or not, but everytime I see that girl she just gets cuter and cuter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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