Not My Fault

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Gianna POV:

Today was supposed to be my first after school session with Annalise.

She told me to meet her at the library as soon as my last class ends.

Yeah, not happening.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend my entire afternoon doing chemistry. Rivas thought she could get me to work by giving me a pretty face to tutor me? Try again.

The bell rang, signaling the end of my last class, to which I made my way to the back rounds of the school.

The back rounds is where everyone went when they were either skipping, doing illegal shit, or plain out just hiding.

Today I was just hiding.

"Aye, the prodigal son returns" Ethan hailed me out, blowing smoke from his mouth as he spoke.

I high fived him, taking my usual seat next to Jacob.

"Haven't seen much of you since Kevin's party," he said, inhaling another set. "You been good?"

"More or less" I sighed. "Rivas got me in some wack ass tutoring sessions."

"Lucas? In tutoring sessions? For what class?" he laughed in disbelief, nearly choking on his joint.

"Chem. She says I can't play unless I get the grade up."

"Shit...when yo classes start?"

", right now."

He looked at me with a knowing grin, placing the cigarette back in his mouth.

Silence with him always felt like a chokehold. Like if I said anything, he'd tear me to pieces. He had that powerful aura, and it made me admire him, yet highly uncomfortable.

Ethan was scary, I'll give him that.

As the smoke blew from his mouth, the sound of angry footsteps made itself known, as they got closer and closer.

"Gianna" her voice came out low and exhausted. Like she'd been running.

"I've literally been looking for you everywhere. Do you not know how to answer your goddamn phone?"

I turned to face an extremely irate Annalise, standing on the ledge above our spot.

She wore a brown mini skirt, with a white turtleneck and a light brown coat, a pair of black headphones strung around her neck, with nothing but a flash of lip gloss coating her lips.

"Hey, Lis" I heard from beside me.

Ethan stood behind me, smirking at the angered woman above us.

"You didn't tell me Lis was your tutor Lucas. Go off to your class," he instructed, patting my back and sending Annalise a wink.

What the fuck...

He sat back down, as I began to climb up to where Annalise was.

The second I reached her side, she walked back into the building, having me follow behind.

For such a short woman, damn she walked fast.

Struggling to catch up, I had to literally run to catch her side, walking into the library with her.

She threw her bag onto the table, frustratedly pulling out a chair and sitting with a huff.

She ran her hands through her hair, seemingly calming down as she began taking out her books.

I sat on the opposite side of the table, doing the same.

"Okay, what is it about chem you don't understand?" she sighed, looking at me with bored eyes.

"Uhhh.....atoms?" I shrugged, not knowing anything about the subject at all.

"Atoms? Atomic structure?" she whisper shouted, seeing as we were in the library.

"Atomic structure is basic's high school work."

I simply shrugged at her in response, earning a hearty eye roll.

"We have a lot of work to do..." she sighed, closing her book completely.


I looked at the time on my phone, resding 4:15 PM. I tried my best to focus on the work on the page in front of me, attempting to grasp the topic at hand.

I followed along the paper, with what Annalise was saying.

After realizing I barely knew any chemistry, she found a worksheet for me to do, after explaining and giving me notes on it.

I still didn't understand, but at least I I trying.

Annalise teaching style was rather simple.

She'd give notes, followed by at least 3 examples, to which she went through thoroughly. Next, she'd allow me to read it out, entailing repetition, before giving me anything to try myself.

She was an excellent teacher, I'll give her that.

As we sat across from each other, I found myself taking attention to the woman across from me.

Her hair was now raised into a bun on the top of her head, her frail framed glasses, sat on the bridge of her nose, as she sat doing her own work, waiting for me to finish mine.

The way she worked and moved so swiftly, yet with grace, as she did what seemed to be math homework.

She was beautiful.

Before she could catch my gaze, I averted my focus back to the paper below me, immediately becoming frustrated at the sight of the foreign symbols.

I let out a deep sigh, as I tried my best to finish the last question.

When I finished, I slid my paper across the table, causing Annalise to look up at me, before accepting the paper.

She took it from my hand, beginning to look through my answers.

As she set it back down, she corrected it with the pen in her hand, sliding it back to me.

"Good effort, Ms. Lucas" a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"It's certainly better than where we started, so I'll let you off. Have a good afternoon, Gianna."

She folded her arms, resting her elvows on the table.

Not paying me any bit of attention as I packed my things, she reverted her gaze to her text, reading through the formulae.

As I pushed in the chair I sat on, I found myself barely able to say,

"Goobye, Annalise."

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