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Annalise POV:

I walking into the school library, waving at Mrs. Krest as I walked by.

I went down to the back sections, looking through the shelves for it.

My fingertips scoured the spines of the books, catching what little dust there was.

Then, my fingers caught on to the edge of a slightly torn spine, the cover just held together by glue.

A smile spread across my cheeks, as I clasped the book between my index and thumb, pulling it off the shelf.

There lay in my palm, Lillian Parker's 'Love Is A Child's Game'.

I'd read this book more times than I could count, yet I don't think I'd ever get tired of reliving it's story, over and over again.

I wiped my hand over its face, getting rid of the dust there.

I took the book with me to the back of the library, sitting at the corner of the floor, between a shelf and the wall.

Turning the pages of the book, I bring my headphones to above my head, clicking play on whatever I was listening to last.

As though my mind was read, 'Die For You' by The Weeknd started playing.

I immediately put the song on repeat, as I found myself lost in the pages of the book, for the millionth time.


Without a doubt, by the time I looked up at my surroundings, it was starting to get dark out.

I rubbed my eyes, closing the book and turning off my music.

I placed the book back on the shelf, walking as fast as I could out the door, before I ended up locked inside, again.

The halls of the school, barely held anyone. The clack of my shoe heel, hitting the floor, echoed, as I walked to the front doors.

Leaving the institution, I scoured the carpark, finding my car and getting in.

Unlike many of my schoolmates, I didn't live on campus.

I owned a not too large flat about 15 minutes away from the school, providing me with my own space and sense of freedom.

I drove through the sunset, Brent Faiyaz's 'Been Away' playing at the perfect time.

Softly, I sang along to the lyrics, resonating with them to a certain level.

The air blowing out of the air conditioning, gently brushed my face, mixed with the beautiful scenery and the song playing in the back, brought my evening to a beautiful end, as I turned into my garage.

Turning the car off, I got out and went in, using the door from the garage, connecting to the house.

I threw my keys in the container on the table stand near the door, placing my bag on the floor next to it. I bent down and took out the books I needed to study for the night, Gianna's papers amongst them.

I slowly glanced over the paper, looking at her answers, laughing at some of them.

'4a- What element does the abbreviated term 'Mg' refer to?
              Ans: Magnum condoms?'

Good Lord.

She may be hanging around with possible gang members, but at least she has a sense of humor.

Placing them aside on the table I sat at to work, I walked down to the back of my flat, entering my bedroom.

I turned on one of the bedside lamps, sitting on the edge of my bed.

Hoisting my leg up above the other, I untied the lace of my sneakers, placing neatly next to each other under my bed. 

From there, I began to strip naked, discarding my clothes into the laundry basket in the corner of my room.

I walked into the bathroom, turning on the heater and allowing the shower to run a bit.

As I turned to face myself in the mirror, I opened the cabinet beneath the sink, taking out a few makeup wipes.

I didn't wear much makeup- if I decided to wear any at all, that is- so it was all gone after about just 2 wipes.

By then, the water was just right, leading me to get in.

The warm droplets fell onto my skin, surrounding my body in warmth, piece by piece. I ran my hands over my skin, allowing it to soak in the comforting feeling of today's tension leaving my body.

All the essays, assignments, supervisions and lessons from today, all faded away, as I simply relaxed.

A/N: just a short little chapter to get an insight into Annalise :)

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