Chocolates and Chemistry

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Gianna POV:

So far its been about 2 weeks since my classes with Annalise started. It hasn't totally amped my chem grade, but its better than it was before, which is a start. As much as I need them, I hate having these classes. I tried my best to find a new hiding spot this week, yet somehow she always found me.

Currently, I sat in the library opposite Annalise, just as I was forced to, every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Our session was just about over, and neither of us were yet to move.

Seeing as we sat there in silence, I digged in the second front pocket of my bag, pulling out a bag of M&M's.

I peeled the bag open, popping a handful in my mouth as I sat back in my chair, watching Annalise work.

The sounds of the pack seemed to catch her attention, because she looked up at me with a disgusted and confused look.

"You do know we're finished, right?" she asked, quirking her eyebrow at me.

I nodded.

"You can leave."

"But why? I actually enjoy our time together."

Well it was true. Although they aren't my favourite thing in the world, I've found myself taking a liking to the classes we had together. Spending time around someone new has been proving to be better for my mentality it seems.

She came to face my completely, placing down the pen in her hand.

She narrowed her eyes at me, stabbing my demeanor.

"You're tolerable." she folded her arms.



From there we sat in a staring contest, her dark brown eyes looking daringly into mine.

I took this moment to take note of how beautiful they were.

They weren't bright enough to pop out casually, but also weren't dark enough to go unnoticed.

"If we're going to be here longer you're gonna have to share that chocolate" she said, breaking the eye contact.

I slid the pack across the table, allowing her to take as much as she wanted.

She slid it back to me, and sat back in her chair.

"So we're gonna just sit here looking at each other? Or are we going to engage in meaningful conversation?" she asked.

"While I wouldn't mind looking at you all day, I'd rather find out more about you, past being my tutor, soooo, what's your favourite colour?" I smiled at her.

"Purple and baby blue."

"Red and navy blue. Favourite hobby?"


"Favourite subject?"

"English B and Bio."

"Dogs or cats?"

"Cats, but I don't mind dogs."

"Inside or outside?"

"Either is fine."

"Okay, final and most important question. Milk before cereal, or cereal before milk?"

"Milk before cereal. Pouring milk onto the cereal makes it soggy."

My eyes went wide, as I watched her like she was crazy.

I'm sitting across from a mad woman.

"There is no way you just said that with a straight face."

"Oh but I did Miss Lucas" she smirked at me from across the table, leaning on its edge.

I watched her moves, like a cat luring in its prey. She had such a mysterious aura to her, it made me feel like I was below her.

"Okay, my turn" she declared. "Why are you so shit at chemistry?"

"Ouch" I feigned being hurt, with my palm dramatically placed over my heart.

"I actually don't know" I shrugged.

"Okay....where's your accent from?" she watched me intently, seemingly more interested in this answer.

"I'm Italian" I chuckled, wiggling my eyebrows. "Born and raised. Moved here with my brother when I was 18."

"How come?"

"Well he got a scholarship at Graystone, and I wanted to come here. So it only made sense for us to come at the same time, rather than waiting years between."

She hummed at my response, her face more relaxed than when we started. She seemed to be getting into the groove of the conversation.

"What else do you desire to know Ms. Roman?" I mimicked her calling me by last name.

She looked at me with a playful glint in her eye, tilting her head daringly.

"What do you do in your spare time besides hanging out with that group of delinquents?"

"I have an estranged feeling you don't like my crowd" I joked, in which she sarcastically smiled back.

"Well I play basketball, if you haven't heard. I also like to draw. I don't do it much, but it's there."

The answer satisfied her thoroughly, because she had this resting smile on her face.

"Hm...maybe you could show me sometime" she expressed coyly.

"Maybe I could" I replied. "Does this mean we're staying back after sessions as friends now?"

"I never said that."

I listened to her menacing tone, confused on what was meant through it.

"In that case, I'll be ready when you are" I picked up my M&M's, and my bag, pushing out my chair.

She leaned back, maintaining eye contact with me as I stood. There was a glint of something in her eyes.

Something I couldn't quite decipher.

I pushed my chair back in, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Goodbye Annalise."

"Goodbye Gianna."

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