The End of Volume 2

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This will be the end of Volume two of the adventures of Prinz Eugen and the engineer.

I want to thank all of you who have been arounds since this story started all the way back in October 2020.
It is unimaginable to me that what started as a short story two years ago has made up 9 full short stories by now. The positive feedback, constructive criticism and especially all the kind words from so many of you readers have kept this project going for so long. Far longer than I ever imagined. For that I want to thank each and everyone of you readers and especially those that have shown such great interest and involvement with the story by commenting their thoughts, constructive criticism and interactions with this story below the chapters. Thanks to you we are here now from where this all started.

Other than that I very much want to thank you all and in representative form ArchVortex268 and T53741 for their help and insight to reflect on things, improve the product delivered to you and for keeping up the motivation to keep going.

This will mark the end of the stories of the engineer. But don't worry, their story has not ended yet.

I am looking forward to seeing you all in the next volume again for what is to come.

With kind regards,


Link to Volume 3:

The adventures of the young engineer and Prinz Eugen Volume 2.Where stories live. Discover now