Chapter 21: Festive Activities

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"W-Woah." Asta said in disbelief. He grew a blush as her's went bigger. "Alright, lovebirds," Vanessa said while approaching them, "We gotta go, you two can flirt and kiss later." "Vanessa!" The two yelled in embarrassment. The witch giggled and walked away, leaving the two in an awkward state. "So?" Asta asked. "What do you mean?" Lina asked. "W-Why did you do that?" Asta mumbled. Lina just laughed slightly, "I wanted to do that since the first day we met. You're a man many woman would love to have by their side." She took his hands, "My only question is, will you be by mine?" Asta looked in shock by her words and answered in his normal voice, "Sure." Lina smiled immensely and ran to where the other were, "Come on!"


The group is seen standing in front of the queen, who looked slightly mad. "The Eye of The Midnight Sun apparently came here, looking for a magic stone." Fanzell said. The queen raised an eyebrow and tapped her earring, "This stone?" She asked while plucking it off, "I have no need for it." She tossed it down to the mages. It landed into Asta'a palm, "Woah, the stone." He said while feeling it. The mages turned to leave, "Hold it." The queen stopped them, "I have some important information you may want. About the Eye of The Midnight Sun. Watching from a distance, I realized that the woman you faced had the presence of an elf." "Elf?" Asta asked, "What's that?" "In history elves and humans have had their share of conflicts between one another, each one had high mana most equal or pass my own. But humans had quantity over quality and annihilated the elves during war. The eye on the girl's forehead was forbidden magic, something that no ordinary human can do. It was also not activated by her, but from some else a distance away." She paused briefly to observed the mages' looks. Asta has steam coming out of his head, Finral had a notebook out trying to write most things down, and the rest were taking in the information. "The demon from legends was activated by the leader of the elf clan. That just proves how strong and how far these creatures will go. The grey-haired boy's swords are the remains of the leader's swords. Once weilding Light Magic, and now only using Anti-Magic due to forbidden magic." She was interuppted by a yell and thud by Asta. He fell to the ground with his head smoking and unresponsive. "Asta!" Lina exclaimed in worry. "Looks like that was his limit on info for today." Fanzell joked.


Asta is seen standing in front of the Diamond mages, "I guess this is goodbye again." He said. "It seems so, I'm planning on changing the kingdom for the better once I'm king."  Mars said. "I believe in you." Asta ensured the man, "But are you sure he isn't going to try something?" Ladros stood with a grin close to Mars, "Trust me, I'm on your side now." He said, "Until I can climb my way to the strongest once again." The thought came to his head. Mars and Asta fist-bumped and the Diamond mages took off to their respected lands. "It's time we head back as well." Fanzell said while walking up to Asta. "Yeah, although it was nice seeing you again teach." Asta grinned.


"Captain~ We're back!" Vanessa yelled while kicking open the door to the Bulls' base. "By your tone, I'm guessing the brat got his arms fixed?" Yami asked while looking up form his newspaper. "Yep! I'm good as new!" Asta said flexing next to a red Lina, "We also got a magic stone!" He held up the stone from before." Yami glanced at him and spit out some beer he had in his mouth, "The hell?!" He stood up, "Fine as your first mission go get me some more booze." "On it!" Then the boy ran out of the building as a blur. Vanessa sat down on her couch and pulled a wine bottle seemingly out of nowhere. Lina, still having her wide smile and slight blush, sat down next to her father. Yami saw this out of the corner of his eye, "What's got you so happy?" Two feelings came to her, one wanted to explode out in detail on how excited she was about her and Asta, but the other was fear. Not her fear, fear for how her father would react. The captain's daughter having a crush one him was one thing, but a full-blown relationship?! "W-Why do you ask?" She asked nervously. He raised his eyebrow, "That's suspicious, one I'm your father I can tell when my daughter is lying, plus ki. So don't even think about lying." Her face grew red from nervousness, "Promise you won't get mad?" Lina asked. "Yep." "This is gonna be good." Vanessa said while pulling out some popcorn.

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