Chapter 5-Escape

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After the session I stayed a bit longer finishing up updating Jokers profile then I made my way home.

When I got home I took a long shower trying to gather my thoughts together. When I got out the shower I got dressed then sat on my bed.

"Jokers definitely planning something. And I'm expecting it to happen in the next couple of months." I blurted out. Him saying he was waiting for a certain day to come up said enough. Whatever he's planning I'm going to try to be as not involved as possible.

"But what could he be planning." I thought for a second before it clicked.

"His escape." That makes sense Joker was famous for escaping Arkham. I'd be surprised if he didn't escape. Not very joker like.

All I know is when that breakout happens I'll either be safe at home or hiding locked up in the office. Be ing his psychiatrist I'll probably be the first one he goes to get rid of. I've been trying to help him the hardest I can. Knowing him though, the thought of someone actually caring about him is scary. He doesn't trust me, he most likely believes I have ulterior motives.

I honestly would be the same way to. If I felt unlovable and suddenly a person was coming towards me with open arms trying to help me or care about me.

Let's hope that changes over time though.

(Time skip two months)

It's been two months since I first came into this universe. My life has been very boring since then. Working in the asylum isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's probably for the fact that I only have one patient. Who's responsive most of the time but also unresponsive sometimes. He's been trying to manipulate and seduce me since I started being his psychiatrist. He wants a insider and because he knows I care he wants that person to be me.

I was just walking into the office after sitting in my car and going over all the notes I had on the Joker. Sitting down I folded my hands on the table and waited. After a few minutes of waiting the door begin opening.

In walked a guard and the joker in a straitjacket.

"You can take that off of him." I said looking at the straitjacket.

"Take what off?" The guard asked confused as joker just stared at me looking confused.

"The Jacket." I wanted the guard to take him out of the straitjacket as a sign that I trusted joker. Even though I completely didn't. I don't trust anyone especially in this universe everyone's hiding something. But I felt like it would be best for him to believe that so I can possibly help him better.

"Whatever you say Miss. Don't regret it." The guard said as the Joker begin smiling big.

"I won't." At that the guard begin taking joker out of the straitjacket. When he was finished he walked out closing the door behind him.

"Would you like to take a seat Mr.J?" I asked as he was just standing there smiling.

"Don't mind if I do." He opened his arms wide as if he was bowing and then took a seat.

"So what's with the sudden change doc? Did my charm finally get to you?" He asked leaning forward on his hands.

"I'm your doctor not a possible partner remember that. I just wanted you to be more comfortable in our sessions. Therefore from here forward you won't have to wear it."

"Oh you really care about me. And you say you haven't fallen for me yet."

" It's my job to care about you. Anyways let's get on topic for today. How are you feeling today?"

"Boooringgggg. It's the same thing everyday. How are you feeling today? How've you been being treated? Blah blah blah."He said while moving his hands around for emphasis

" Well those are important questions to ask Mr.J." I said slightly annoyed.

"Well I can tell you that today is going to be a very good day." He said while smiling showing of his grills.

"Why is that?" I asked already knowing what the nature of his answer would be.

"You'll find out around the time it's happening unless your not here. I hear all about how after our sessions you run home as fast as you can. I guess it's hard being in a place full of people out of their minds." He said while leaning forward and pointing to his head, smile as big as ever.

"Well your my only priority here. After I talk to you I have no other reason to be here. Your my only patient which is actually quite a relief." I said while tapping my pen on the table.

"Mmm. So you only come for me? Hmm? Is that what I'm hearing?" He said while purring and leaning forward closer and closer.

"That's what I just said. Now back up, we're a little close here." I said while backing up.

"Ouu am I making my little psychiatrist nervous? He said while getting even closer.

"No this is just quite inappropriate. I'm your doctor." I was trying to remain calm as he had managed to knock down almost all of my barriers. He was close enough for our noses to touch. I can feel his breath on my face. I slid my chair back causing a loud screech sound from it scraping off the floor.

"Why so serious doc?"

"Okay that's enough I'm going to do this session standing." I said while quickly standing up. His head followed my movements like he was some sort of animalistic predator.

"Oh look at you all bothered." He said laughing and clapping like a child. After that incident everything went smoothly and he was on his way out the door. Closing the door behind him I sat down at the desk.

Updating his profile and going over a few more of his documents took me up to two hours. Just as I was about to leave I heard a boom.

I already knew what was happening. I ran to the door and locked it making sure to turn off the lights to. It was too late to leave now. I know his men are already in the building and he's probably out by now.

After locking the door and turning off the lights I felt my way over to the secret bathroom that was in the office. Going into the bathroom I closed the door and locked it. Once it was locked I turned the light off and stood in the corner.

Pulling out my headphones. I started playing music but not listening to it. I know if I got out of here the police are going to want me to testify. So I would just say I didn't hear anything because I was listening to music.

So with the music playing they could go back through my phone and see that I was indeed playing music.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence. I heard loud banging on the other door. I could slightly hear him talking but not really because he was behind two doors.

A minute passed and it went silent. Suddenly I heard a loud bang and knew he was in. At that I covered my nose and mouth making sure not to make any noise. I stood in the very corner of the room as far away from the door as possible.

"Oh did my pretty little psychiatrist leave me?" He asked while letting out his signature laugh. I just remained silent.

"Are you in here? Come out, come out wherever you are?" Yeah nah I'm good.

"Can't have you leaving me now. I will find you." Today was the last day you'll ever see me again.

"Joker we need to go. They're closing in on us." I heard another voice say.

"I guess she's free for now." Joker said laughing and walking away.

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