+ 👁 WEDNESDAY, 21 APRIL. 👁 +

266 7 4

1:00 AM.

I stayed in a small accommodation room and slept as best I could. I kept the doors shut, but even that didn't stop me from tossing uncomfortably every time Rush came around. I figured I could stay there and wait for help, but I didn't have any food and the lights in the room began to go out. I was forced to continue on my way. 

"Man, I hate this place," I grumbled to myself, examining the rooms around me in case there was something else lurking in the shadows. 

"I hate this carpet. I hate this room." I kicked a closet for good measure and its doors flew open as if in protest. I blinked at this, confused, but continued on my way. "And I hate that weird closet!"

The frustration eventually overcame me and I plopped down on a couch with an exhausted huff. The next room ahead of me was dark-- I wasn't very keen to continue on my way and instead I scrunched up me face and put my head into my hands. I felt so lethargic I couldn't stir a limb.

A shift in the air. The sound of someone breathing beside me. "You must go on."

When I looked, no one was there. But I could still feel gentle breaths right beside me, as if there was a ghost. I wouldn't exactly put it past this hellhole to not be haunted.

"There's a way out. Please promise me you' ll try. I'll help you as best I can to get away from those spawns of the devil."

"What?" I raised my head, somewhat relieved I was hearing someone's voice for the first time in ages. "There's a way out?"

"Of course. An elevator, which is still in good shape. I will tell you when you're getting close to it; but beware, there are other monsters waiting for you."

Oh, GREAT. There was more, like I had guessed. I curled up again and whimpered, "I want to go home," like a little kid asking for Mommy. Then, miraculously, a cold blue glow began to shine from inside the next dark room, and the door out of it was illuminated by the Guiding Light. I stood up in awe and began to advance toward it.


"Wha--" The small, floating entity suddenly bit me on the leg and I died yet again-- and this was the furthest I'd made it!

"Oh no," The voice said, almost disappointed-sounding, "You died to Screech. If you believe he is around, turn around quickly and stare him down. He despises the gaze of humans and is weakened by light."

[ E N D         O F        E N T R Y ]

AN: This is really short. I may take a little break before continuing. 

And now, a short message from the Guiding Light:

They're learning. 

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