The New Mutants - Illyana

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You were a mutant, and as all mutants get their powers at a young age, you were no exception.

You were driving home from a holiday with your family when it happened. You fell asleep in the backseat after suffering a terrible sugar crash. You were only 7, after all. The sky was blue, and the sun was bright, with no clouds to plague the clear skies, which made for a pleasantly warm day.

And then it wasn't.

The sun was red, and the sky was orange, concealed by black smoke. It was cold, and you were no longer in the car with your family.

When you opened your eyes, you witnessed firsthand the disgust and ruthlessness of humanity as they tore each other apart right in front of your young eyes. When they turned to you, they revealed their grotesquely disfigured bodies from years of fighting, scratching and biting each other with their dangerously sharp teeth and even more pointed nails. As they ran at you, all you could do was close your eyes and cover your eyes in fear and hope with everything that they left you alone.

The next moment you opened your eyes, you were in the middle of the road. It was midnight, given that the moon was directly above you, with a few dark clouds barely concealing the bright glow.

You didn't move at first. You were too scared. But when you did, you only moved to the side of the road before sitting there with your knees brought to your chest. It was early morning when someone found you. A trucker who stopped to take a leak on the empty road.

He took you to a police station, and things went from there, but as far as the rest of the world was concerned, you died 50 years ago. Parents were dead, having continued to live and age before their bodies gave out, and your siblings passed due to habits or medical conditions. The reasons didn't matter; the only thing that did was the fact you were utterly alone.

You were taken to an orphanage, where you spent the next few months until it happened again. And then it happened again. When you told the police what happened, they thought you were lying and running away and sent you to the first orphanage they could, which ended up being the last one you would ever set foot in.


You opened your eyes with a sigh. Another day was spent trapped in a glass box for the scientist's amusement.

Doctor Reyes built a containment cell to diffuse your powers which in turn kept you on this plane of existence. It was great, but it didn't always work, and when it did, you were stuck in a glass box for the entire day. You've spent years with the doctor, which allowed her to narrow down your "teleportations" so you'd reappear somewhere in the facility when you did disappear. It was as easy as waving at a camera and being directed back to the main area.

Reyes stood from her desk that she used to observe and document your statistics displayed on a screen and opened the box, freeing you and allowing you fresh air instead of the stale air in the box. She spoke curiously,

"How long were you gone this time?"

When you disappeared, you'd be gone for hours here, but it could be an entire day for you. Or days if you were really unlucky. You sighed, scratching your head,

"Most of the day."

You got to your feet slowly from your seated position and stepped out of the containment cell. Reyes didn't reply as she returned to her desk to mark down the time stamp that you returned before she looked up at you and spoke,

"Same place as normal?"

You nodded,

"Hell, just like always."

She shook her head as she looked back down at her logs,

"We don't know that for certain."

You scoffed,

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