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The game started, and it was all going great we were winning. Charlie started to feel sick.

Joe's parents showed up unexpectedly to surprise him. Charlie got off Olivia's lap and walked over to Joe's mom.

"Mimi I don't feel good," Charlie said
"What's wrong Charlie bear," She asked
"My tummy" she responded
"Do you need to throw up?" She asked
Robin took Charlie to the bathroom. She had gotten sick multiple times and at this point, she was crying.
"I want daddy" she wined
"Let's go get your stuff sweetheart I'll take you home," Robin said trying to distract the toddler.

Then the loudspeaker turned on.

"And the Cincinnati Bengals win"

Robin went back into the stands with Charlie they got her stuff and Olivia held Charlie they waited for Joe to come. As they saw him coming Charlie needed to throw up.

"Wiv I gonna get sick," she said
Olivia grabbed her and took her to the bathroom Charlie threw up a few more times, and when they walked out Joe ran up to them and picked up Charlie.

"You ok baby," Joe asked his toddler
"It hurts" she responded
"Ok I'll take you to the doctor"

He rocked her to sleep in his arms then walked over to his mom.

"When did this start?" He asked his mom
"Not sure but she's been throwing up a lot" she responded.

"I'm talking her to the doctor tomorrow," he said

"Unless it gets worse then you need to take her to urgent care," Robin told her son

"Ok Mom, I'll call you if I take her"

Joe got to the car and put Charlie in her seat with a towel just in case she needed to be sick again. He drove her home then took her to his room and placed her in his bed.

She should get in the bath he thought to himself.

He slowly shook her awake.

"Hi baby, come on you need to get into the bath," he told her

"Otay" she responded

He very delicately got her in and out of the bath as fast as he could. Olivia was coming over to help with sick Charlie. He placed her in bed in between where Joe and Olivia were going to be sleeping.

Olivia came into their room and lay next to Charlie Joe went downstairs for a second Olivia tried to move but Charlie grabbed her shirt.

"No stay here Mommy"

The whole world freezes, she just called her mommy for the first time. Joe came in to see his girlfriend shocked

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" Joe said laughing at her

"She called me mommy," Olivia said not looking up from staring at Charlie.

"Oh crap, I'm sorry-"
"Why I'm happy about it"

Joe smiled to himself...

They were becoming a family.

Joe Burrow? Oh he's my dadWhere stories live. Discover now