Parcels of pent up truth

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Sunday started the day as she always did; a warm shower with a cup of hot tea by the sink to sip on.

Except, this morning's shower took a slightly different turn.

As she flicked on the shower to heat up whilst her teabag dissolved, the ding of the bell at the front door dragged her away from the early morning glow painting the canvas window.

"If this is some sort of brunch dinner party I think I might fill up the swear jar myself" she mumbled as she walked with a familiar perk to her step down the stairs, trying to quietly open the door as not to awake Hotch or Jack who she assumed were snoozing soundly.

"Hello?" Sunday looked out onto the porch lit by the dawn with a sudden confusing ticking sound tickling her ears that she shook off, only to find it nearly empty- other than a parcel placed neatly on the door mat addressed to Hotch.

It wasn't usual for parcels to be delivered this early she thought, but she didn't entirely know this neighbourhood yet nor it's mail service schedule so she simply picked up the medium sized package, resting it on her hip as she walked down to the mailbox at the end of the drive to pick up the letters she assumed to be delivered there too- but they weren't.

"Slow mail day for someone so 'busy with paperwork' that he can't wash up his plate" she mumbled a dig at Hotch to herself, heading back into the house, dropping off the parcel and shaking off the ticking sound as she practically skipped up the stairs with excitement for the shower she knew would be steaming up the room perfectly by now.

And that it was as she entered, grabbing her mug from the counter through the thick fog of the room- only to find the liquid empty and tea bag in the sink.

"What the jimmy jab jelly beans happened to my tea-" she went to question to herself, being shortly interrupted by a sudden switching off of the shower in front of her, which was when she saw the tall figure through the steam.

"AH!" Sunday screamed, dropping the mug to clasp her hands over her eyes when she saw Hotch turn around in the shower to figure out what the noise was behind him.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" He matched her exclamation, quickly trying to grab a towel on the wall to wrap around himself as Sunday tried to blindly find her way out of the room now covered in a shattered poorly hand made ceramic mug, instead grabbing Hotches arm she mistook for something else, erupting another scream of embarrassment as she hurled herself back.

"Penis! AH! I'm so sorry!"

"Careful of your feet, Jesus Christ- wait did you just yell penis at me?"

"Where is this dang blabbing door handle!?"

"Stop moving you're going to cut your feet- come here-" Hotch attempted to pull her to safety across the room after securing his towel around his hips, Sunday still blindly swerving around the small room and somehow ending up smacking her face on his chest in attempt to find the door- of which she also walked head first into like a bumper cart ricocheting off Hotch's strong figure.

"Just open your eyes before you-"

"I'm quite okay without ever seeing your penis that I just accidentally grabbed thank you very much-"

"I'm in a towel for god sake- and that was my arm, how big do you think my penis is?!"

"AH! What's that?!" Sunday found herself somehow inside the shower, fully clothed, in attempt to get the door Hotch swung open before yanking her towards him, unaware of the lack of traction she now had in the shower, her body smacking into his as they both fell out of the bathroom onto the hallway floor with a thump of Hotch's body on the floor followed by Sunday's landing on top of his.

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