Stained weddings

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/I haven't edited this chapter yet (again lol) so bare with me- also above is an inspo of Sunday's wedding guest fit as a visualiser//

Sunday's father was a coward; a self-proclaimed one.

He rarely saw his daughter as she grew up, even less now that she was an adult thousands of miles away.

He had only married her mother because he was too afraid to tell his father he had gotten one of his residents pregnant outside of marriage.

He had only become a doctor in the first place to avoid his father's wishes for him to join the military.

By all accounts the visibly ageing mousy man was a coward- but that didn't mean he wasn't a good person, a great one by Sunday's account.

She had always idolised her father, despite his physical absence in her life, that seemed better somehow than her mother's emotional absence and constant physical appearance.

He was a passive man by nature; calm, gentle, sweet- gullible.

She looked at him as a victim in some ways; a victim of her mother's charm, a victim of his own father's dreams, a victim of a life he didn't want.

But there was one thing this self-proclaimed coward and peer-proclaimed victim had going for him; he was a greatly dedicated doctor.

That's why it surprised Sunday more than the unusual invite to see him at her Mother's wedding reception in the large New York upper estate.

"Dad?" She crossed the ballroom, heading for the meek figure in the corner awkwardly sipping Champagne, before being yanked back by an unwanted large hand on her arm.

"What did I say about being in my line of sight?" The voice half growled through a forced pleasant smile.

Hotch, not by either of their choice by any stretch of the imagination, took her plus one.

After having the telling off of a life time from his superior the day after the exploding parcel blowing up his house guest/employee predicament, he was ordered to extort her to her mother's wedding as 'security' when she refused to stay in the temporary safe house apartment they were put into.

One slightly comedic argument later and the two found themselves sat on a plane to the very place they stood now.

To say the estate that her mother's new 'husband' owned was 'grand' would be an understatement.

Ivy climbed the hundred year old thick brick up to the extravagant balconies that looked like they cost more decor than Sunday had ever spent on rent in her life combined.

"Do you really need to be by my side all day?" Sunday yanked her arm from Hotch's hands, surprised at how he didn't grab her tightly.

"It's my job; you're the one who insisted on coming to this thing."

"It's my mother's wedding, of course I was going to come" she avoided his dubious gaze as she handed their invitation to the wedding planner at the front door.

"Yes, one you clearly seem thrilled to be attending" Hotch raised a sarcastic eyebrow at her, unsure why they were even here based on her confusing reaction to the news her mother was re-marrying, seemingly not even knowing she was with was someone else.

Which was true; Sunday had no idea who her mother was marrying.

The invitation only stated a name; Richard Buckinhorn The Second.

It was her night-long googling that gave her a few of the endless answers she had about this new man in her mother's life;

An older texan gentleman, born into money and invested for more than he knew what to do with, a business soon to be split between him and his daughter after his recent semi-retirement announcement- that was about it.

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