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Mavis' POV:
It is finally Friday and cheer tryouts have arrived. This is probably the most nervous I've ever been, I've been practicing everyday and during the summer break just so I can be perfect like all of the other girls on the team and most importantly, just like Nancy.

In the past week, I've mostly settled in but for some unknown reason I feel guilty whenever I see Nancy. It makes me feel like I'm doing everything wrong and that she hates me for wanting to be a cheerleader so badly. I always wanted to be like her but I was never that good a reporter.

I walk to the atrium at the end of the day, ready for the tryouts but still feeling anxious about them after talking to Chrissy and Jacky all week. On the other side of the hall is Steve and the basketball team practicing for their game next week.

The first to go was these twins that did what seemed like more of a dance routine than gymnastics. Then after several more peoples' routines, my go finally came. When I was up in front of them, Chrissy gives me reassuring smile. So, with a quick adjust of my shorts, I begin my turn.

Everyone was kept on to try and follow along to the most common routine done by the Hawkins cheerleaders. I noticed a lot of people fall behind but that never affected me as I continued on, in an attempt to forget about everyone's stares. Every so often I would notice Steve and several members of the basketball team turn to look at us.

By the end, most people were turned away but there was still about fifteen of us in the leagues. I knew I'd have to wait until Monday to find out but I was still ecstatic to know that I might have a chance to join the cheerleaders.

Afterwards, I walk to the changing rooms to grab my things and after putting on deodorant, decide to shower when I get home. I walk out to see Chrissy talking to a boy but before I can talk to her, Steve is running over to me. "You did so good, kid. You are definitely getting on the team, I mean did you see how many of my team you had distracted?" he exclaims in enthusiasm but all I can manage is a blush and small smile.

"I nearly had to beat some of them for staring at you too much" Steve continues on as we leave the school. All the while, I can't help but criticise everything I did wrong in my head but I would never say it aloud, I don't need people knowing about that. He pulls me into a tight hug just for me to say "Jesus, Steve, why are you so wet? Didn't you dry after your shower?"

"Yeah, a bit but in my defence, I was way to excited to see you especially after such a performance" he compliments, "I need you to remember me when you're famous, y'know, kid"  he said. I manage to hide my frown of disappointment at the phrase 'kid'.

I begin walking away but he shouts, "hey, May, don't you need a lift?" and just as I go to refuse, he is already pulling the car near me. "C'mon, I can't have another team kidnapping you to be their star cheerleader" Steve says.

During the ride, he wouldn't stop taking about my tryouts and I couldn't help but feel proud that he actually thinks all these things about me. As we pull into the driveway of my house, I offer him to come in  for a drink and to hangout.

I knew my parents were both out with Holly and that Mike was with his friends so the two of us and Nancy, if she's home, can just relax for a bit. "You sure?" he asks as I open the door with my house key.

"Make yourself at home, Steve, I'm gonna shower quickly then I'll be down" I say, going upstairs to the bathroom. "See you soon, kiddo" Steve shouts back but at this point I can't see him. I shower as quickly as possible, not wanting to make him wait for too long but when I came downstairs in my pyjamas, I hear him and Nancy laughing.

"Hey, May, how'd you tryouts go? Steve said you were amazing" she said, turning to me as I sit down. "It was good, I think I have a chance of joining the team, at least according to Steve" I say, trying to hide my disappointment. Nance nods, "well, I'm certain that you'll make the team and if you do, I promise I'll go to every game you cheer at."

I agree and after about an hour, he is leaving. "Bye, Stevie" I call as he gets in the car. Once he is gone, I'm pulled into a hug by Nancy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" she practically yells, "I'm not sure how you knew but me and Steve have something between us and have found it hard to ever hang out together."

"You're welcome, Nance" I say, unsure of what is happening. "You are officially number one not two out of my siblings. You just know me so well and don't worry, I've noticed your efforts to help me and Steve so you are seen" Nancy finally finishes. I pull her into another hug just as she is done with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Just then when she walks away already planning pizza for dinner as a thank you to me, I can't help but question how this happened. Before the summer, she found Steve annoying but now they are seeing each other or trying to date. I go to my room in confusion over what I just learnt then it all hit me, how they keep talking and how he seems to bring her up often in conversations.

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