A Sleepover and A Creature

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Mavis's POV:
I went through the forest with Nancy and Jonathon when I began hearing small sounds ahead of us. We walk over to find a wounded deer. The sight of the poor animal was nearly enough to kill me in that moment.

I turn to the two of them but they don't say a word until Nancy says, "we can't leave it like this". I see her take a step forward with the gun in hand and I make an audible intake of air, knowing what she was going to do to the deer. I know it's for the best for the animal but it still hurts.

Nancy holds the gun at the deer, about to kill it when Jonathon stops her. "I'll do it, I won't make you kill this animal" he says, taking the gun from her hands. I close my eyes and try to think of something happy but I fail at that like everything else.

Just then some creature pulls the deer into the ground and I hear the two of them shout in shock as I stare in disbelief at what just happened. We look for a few minutes to see where it went.

The three of us go off into different areas to look and I must've wandered far because all I could hear was the distant shout of Nancy looking for Jonathon. I begin to walk back when suddenly a loud high pitch shriek fills the air. I run back to where I last saw her but all I can see is her things on the ground.

Jonathon and I wander around, looking for her. We can hear her shouting but can't figure out where she is. I run back to where I found her things and just then, I see a hand come out of the tree and the realisation hits that I must be Nancy. Jonathon helps  pull her out from wherever she was trapped.

On our way back to our house, I turn to them and say, "you guys go on in, I'm going to go to Chrissy's house". Nancy turns to me and says, "no, you're not, not after last night's shenanigans."

"No offence, oh high and mighty one but you're not in charge of me" I say, running upstairs to grab a bag and some pyjamas before heading to Chrissy's which was luckily only a few streets away.

The walk was boring but quick. I make it to her house just to see her parents getting into their car with Chrissy waving at the door. "Hey, where are your parents going?" I ask, walking up close to her. She smiles, "hiya, May, don't worry, they are just going out of town for their anniversary."

"Nice, I suppose. Would I be able to stay here with you tonight? I've seen some stuff today and I could really do with some relaxation" I ask. Chrissy immediately nods, "of course, we can have a girls night, films, pizza, games, gossip. My god, I haven't had a girls night in ages."

I follow her into the house and up to her room so that I can leave my things there. Then not long later, me and Chrissy are sitting in her living room, singing along to Summer Nights from Grease. When the song finishes, I let out a laugh at her over exaggerated expressions.

"Don't give me that look, missy. You'll be like me when you're a little older" she giggles out as she lets herself fall onto the sofa. She turns to me with a daft smile, "y'know what I could do for you?"

"What?" I ask, attempting to raise an eyebrow but failing. "I could give you another piercing on the top of your ear, I did it for me and like a bunch of the cheer team, I'm really good now" Chrissy says, nodding enthusiastically even though I'm doubtful of this.

"Chris, as much as I love you, I'm really, really not sure you're qualified for this" I say with a smile at how excited she seems. "But please, you'll be like my seventh go, please, I'll let you do something to me afterwards" she practically begs with a pout on her face.

"Y'know what, sure. But if these somehow become infected, I blame you" I say, pointing my fingers to my ears. She jumps up off the sofa, clapping her hands in excitement like a child when they get McDonald's for dinner. She pulls me to her bathroom and looks through a draw before pulling out a needle and pair of new stud earrings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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