The Funeral

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Mavis' POV:
Today is the funeral for Will and it took everything in me not to just start shouting that he's still alive. To add to all of that, Barb is still missing and no one is looking for her. All they have done is talk to Nancy and some of them at Steve's party.

At some point, I even heard her talking about seeing a faceless being in Steve's back garden where Barb was last seen by Jonathan. I get dressed quickly into a simple long sleeve black dress and some tights because of the cold.

During the funeral, I was stuck with Dustin, Lucas and Mike. Throughout, I kept wondering whether or not El was okay back at our house. Or what has actually happened to Will and Barbara. Whatever is going on isn't right and the fact everyone seems in denial is driving me to insanity.

Whilst the priest continued his speech about the loss of someone so young and innocent, I blank out everything. My mind is stuck wondering in circles about the truth and even though my thoughts surround me at 100s of miles per hour, I was still. There was no movement from me.

But the worst part of any of this was that no one even cared. No one noticed that I was just standing there with a distant emotionless stare. As a kid, I was known for always being seen as cheerful but in the past months, I just feel like nothing matters anymore and that I'm stuck in the same endless loop everyday.

Soon enough it was over and I was walking out with a distant look on my face. I know it was dumb but I wanted to forget and luckily for me, Steve had a party planned for tonight which meant booze and absent parents.

I get to Steve's house about an hour before the party after wandering around Hawkins for a while. My parents would never approve but they are under the impression, I'm having a sleepover with Chrissy so who cares. I knew my funeral clothes are depressing but after a few drinks, no one will notice.

Before I even knock a second time, the door is being opened and Steve leans against it with a smirk. I know something is up but I couldn't give a fuck about that. I help set up the alcohol on the island in the kitchen and end up lounging in his living room with a glass of gin and lemonade in my hand.

The people start pouring in and the drinks start flowing. Soon enough, I find myself dancing up against a junior who's name I don't even know. His hands move against my waist and I can feel him getting closer to me. I don't mind the attention even if nothing is going to happen because we don't know each other.

This continues for a few minutes when I feel his hands move up my thighs and pulling my dress with it. I move away just as the guy grabs my wrist and I'm yanked towards him. "What do you think you're doing?" he says as I attempt to undo his grip on me.

Steve's POV:
I walk into the room to see one of my team mates, Marty pulling Mavis close to him. She looks panicked as I hear him say "what do you think you're doing?"

Mavis's voice is slurred as she tried to respond but had clearly had too much too drink. All I could see was her looking scared, worse than I've seen her before. Without thinking, I storm over and pull her away from, not caring if it hurts her momentarily so long as she isn't near Marty anymore.

Marty looks at me angrily and goes to punch me just to trip over nothing. I pull May closer to me and the silence is heard through out the room which causes everyone to start clearing out of my house. Two of the others drag Marty along with them.

I take May up to my room and she stubbles along, my arm the only thing supporting her. I sit her up on my bed as I look for something she could wear. I end up finding my basketball top and a pair of old pyjama shorts. "May?" I say to get her attention, "do you think you can change yourself?"

Her distant look tells me that she isn't even processing what could've happened to her. I lift up her arms as I pull off her dress, avoiding looking at her and making her uncomfortable. I throw the shirt over her head and pull the shorts up her legs. As I'm doing the shorts, I can't help but stare as I see faint lines across her thighs.

I look away and pull the shorts up completely. I pick her up and rest her so that she is covered by my duvet. When I go to walk away, she grabs onto my hand. I can hear Mavis barely whisper in a broken voice "please don't leave me."

Her voice reminds me of a kid looking for her parents but she isn't a kid anymore and hasn't been in a while based on how she was acting. See, I knew she was nothing quite like Nancy but tonight just hurt me and seeing her acting so grown up stung after knowing her for so long.

May moves over in the bed with a lost look in her eyes. I give her a warm smile and move into the bed. We don't say anything as I wrap my arms around her and her strawberry shampoo makes it's way to my scent.

"Steve?" Mavis mutters into my chest as we lay in silence. "Yeah, may?" I respond. She looks up to me and says "I'm sorry". I frown at this in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"I ruined your party, all because I wasn't in the mood, I shouldn't have made a big deal out of it" she mutters. "Mavis, that wasn't your fault. Marty was being a jackass and now we don't need to worry about him" I reassure, rubbing small circles on her back. We quickly return back to a comfortable silence and soon fall into a soft sleep.

Mavis' POV:
I woke up to the feeling of warm arms surrounding me and I feel confused when I try to move just to get pulled closer. I look and realise it was Steve and suddenly the events of last night came back to me.

When I look down, I see that I've had my clothes changed with means Steve probably saw my legs. Or more specifically what is on them. Even though I've managed to stay clean since June, there are still old marks which haven't completely healed.

I look up at Steve who has his arms holding me in a warm embrace. With my head against his chest, I can hear his heart beats. The warmth surround me and I can hear him softly humming in his sleep with a gentle smile.

That is when it hits me as I look to his resting face, I love Steve. Even if nothing will ever happen, it comforts me that I know we become close enough for me to feel like this. The realisation washes over me just for Steve to stir in his sleep.

The Other Wheeler // S.H x OcOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz