Missing Will

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Mavis' POV:
I've managed to settle in quickly other than the Eddie incident. Though it took a few days, people forgot for the most part and I tried to move on. Unfortunately I haven't spoke to him since as I've been to nervous to start any conversations with him.

I'm sitting downstairs as the television plays but just zone out until my mum shouts to me from the kitchen, "May, go tell Mike dinner is nearly done". I walk done to the basement where Mike and his friends were playing Dungeons and Dragons. I used to play with them but decided that I needed to grow up despite feeling bad for leaving.

"Mike, mum says dinner is ready and you guys need to go home as it's a school night" I say. Mike whines "c'mon, ten more minutes, we need to finish the game". I roll my eyes, "no you have school tomorrow and I'm sure you've got last minute homework to do anyway."

The group start packing away as I wait so that they don't go back to the game. Lucas, Will and Mike run up the stairs whilst complaining but Dustin walks slowly next to me. "So, May, I hear you're a cheerleader now, that sounds fun" he says.

"It's alright I suppose" I agree. "Maybe when I'm older and in high school, we could go on a few dates" Dustin said with a smile and raised eyebrow. I don't want to be mean but he was too young and I saw him as more of a little brother. "Dustin, you're sweet but I am too old and you are like a brother to me" I explain and he nods with a noticeably frown as they leave the house.

Dinner is boring and soon enough I was sitting in my room. Music surrounded my room as the rain poured down loudly outside. It had been going on since the boys had left and I can't help but get a feeling of terror. Deja vu floods me but I attempt to forget it as I go to sleep.

The next morning, I walk downstairs to see everyone already dressed and eating breakfast. Mike is complaining about not being able to finish his game yesterday whilst Nancy is talking about whatever test she passed most recently. To be completely honest, sometimes I just want them to all shut up. They all think they're the only one with problems or achievements.

Steve is already outside when I'm putting on my shoes. For whatever reason, I feel a cold shill go through me but once again I try to let it go. "Hey, kiddo, Nancy ready yet?" he shouts from the car. "She's just finishing breakfast" I say back, walking up to the car.

I sit down in the backseat when Steve turns back to me. "If Nancy is still eating, why aren't you? Have you eaten anything yet?" he asks, with an eyebrow raised and a suspicious look on his gorgeous face. I sigh but answer nonetheless "no but I'll get something at break."

"Mavie, I know full well that you will 'forget' and won't end up eating until dinner" Steve says with a knowing look before grabbing one of his energy bars that he keeps stocked up. "Eat this, it'll give you some energy."

"Steve, these are your wrestler ones, I don't think I'm meant to eat these" I say, seeing how much sugar is in them and being aware that he eats them when doing training for wrestling and basketball. He shakes his head, "you are off time table today doing practice so I'm sure you'll need some energy, I've seen the stunts you lot do."

I don't argue and instead open up the wrapper before taking a bite. To be frank, I've been nervous since my period has been even more irregular. It happens once every three or so months and when it does I am in so much pain to the point of missing school and going through a lot of pain killers. Besides that it lasts anywhere between four and nine days which is a nightmare.

The day is spent off time table doing different cheer routines before deciding the best for next week's basketball game. I'm not sure why everyone cares so much about basketball, sure it can be interesting but we aren't even that talented at it.

I walk out to the parking lot and see Steve without Nancy in his car. When I'm about twenty feet away, I feel someone's arm go around me and turn to see a random guy. I recognise him from a few of my classes and the fact he's on the wrestling team but haven't ever spoken to him before. I think his name is Freddie but I'm not 100% sure.

"Hey, May" he says as if we've been best friends since birth, "now I know we don't really know each other but would you like to go on a date this Thursday to the drive in?"

I don't really want to date right now especially since the Eddie incident or the fact my sister is dating my crush. "Sorry, but I'm not really looking for a relationship" I say, letting him down as gently as possible but he just groans in annoyance.

"Neither am I, it could be fun for both of us and besides they are holding a viewing of the Outsiders despite it being released months ago" Freddie says. However before I can reject he begins talking again, "good, I'll pick you up at eight."

Just then he walks off and I can hear is friends make cheering sounds and a couple of whoops. Steve pulls the car up next to me, "what was that about?" he questions. "I think I have a date" I reply in confusion of what just happened.

"Didn't know you liked someone, kid" he says with a laugh as I get in to the car. "I don't" I reply, still in shock over the interaction. "Where's Nancy?" I ask, trying to blank out everything. "She is journalism club or something like that" he answers.

The car ride was spent with Steve asking me questions about the boy I now know is actually called Freddie and is really a sophomore who was put in some freshman classes that he failed last year.

That evening at dinner, Nancy brings up Freddie because it turns out Steve called earlier on to tell her about it. Our mum turns to me before saying "you can't go, there is a search for will right now and they might still be looking on Friday."

"There's a search for Will? What happened to him?" I question, realising that may have been the bad feeling I got last night. "I'm sure he's safe" Mike says, clearly frustrated at the mention of Will being missing.

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