Girl in the Basement

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Mavis' POV:
"Sweetie, I think Mike is in the basement, can you go tell him he has to go to school?" my mum shouts to me from the living room as she attempts to wake up my dad. I walked down the stairs to the basement and am half expecting to see him slumped over his games.

"Mike? Mike, mum says you need to leave soon for school" I shout with no response and just walk away, assuming that he's probably just in the bathroom or something when I hear slight movement.

Sighing, I walk outside to see Steve on time and leaning up against his car. Nancy soon follows but then the second the door is shut, the questions begin about Freddie.  First Nancy starts it up, "so, May, how long have you been talking to him?"

"Yesterday when he asked me out" I respond, awkwardly looking out the window. "Wow, you goddamn player" Steve jokes whilst mildly focusing on the road. "Shut up" I mutter, embarrassed about what's been happening.

"Well, you did say yes" Nancy points out just for me to interrupt. "Actually, I never answered, he just assumed I'd say yes" I say with a knowing look. "Yeah, but you're still going on that date so..." Steve continues, waggling his eyebrows at me in the mirror.

I jump out of the car quickly when we get to the school and say goodbye before leaving to find Chrissy. On my way, I walk into Eddie but don't try to talk to him as he had friends surrounding him and instead just mutter a "sorry."

Chrissy is at her locker when I catch up to her, curious to know if she was the one telling Freddy about me. "Was it you?" I ask with a concerned look just for her to give a little laugh and nod.

"I only added to it, he already thought you were into him" she responds but that doesn't settle my worry. "Why would he think I'm into him? I've never even spoken to him" I question, confused about how Freddy went from not knowing me to thinking I like him for some bizarre reason.

She sighs before being to answer my question. "Remember the Munson incident?" Chrissy clarifies but already knows my answer, "well, it turns out there's a school toilet stall people write about you in but I only found out the other day as it is an unlabelled one that everyone seems to use."

"Why wouldn't you tell me this?" I practically exclaim in shock at not knowing about this stall. "I'll take you before class but you can't freak out, promise me?" Chrissy says, trying to relax me. I agree but only to get closure.

I follow her to the bathroom whilst attempting to mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to read. "Do you want me to go in as well?" Chrissy asks but I shake my head.

I lock the door behind me and start reading the comments. The first few aren't to bad and are just people saying I'm hot which is a bit weird but what breaks me is the rest. I begin to crack when I read 'how much do you think she'd let a guy pay for a blowjob?' which has responses like 'probably only a few dollars' or 'she definitely gives it for free to Munson'.

Tears begin to fall just as I hear a knock on the door, "May, you ok in there?" Chrissy says but all I can muster is a stuttered "yeah, I'm fine". "I'm gonna head to lesson, see you at break" she said before I hear footsteps walk away. The next forty minutes, I spend crying in the bathroom before deciding I have to go to 2nd period.   

Later that day, I'm sitting in my room, feeling bored and useless when I hear a sound from the basement despite being home alone. I knew it was a dumb cliche for the blonde girl to go into the creepy basement alone but I couldn't help myself. Curiosity killed the cat after all.

I cautiously walk into the basement whilst holding up a tennis racket for some protection. I push open the bathroom door but it's empty. I look around the room before seeing the fort that Mike and his friends made. I pull the blanket up and yell out before jumping back in surprise to see a child in there with a buzz cut.

She walks towards me as I stumble back, the racket falling out of my hand. "Who are you?" I manage to say as I catch my breath. The girl doesn't say anything until she points at what looks like a tattoo on her arm that reads 011. Just then she begins walking away before saying one word "Mike."

I knew something was up with that fact I've barely seen Mike since Will went missing and I realise this girl must have something to do with the search. I follow her to the power lines out the back and she continues to not say a word just stares intently at a cat on the other side of the fence.

Finally Mike and his friends show up. They look surprised to see me standing there and I could tell that 011 was a secret. Mike runs over, "Mavis, what are you doing here? You're not meant to be here."

"Well, when I found a strange girl in our basement and all she says is your name, I'm gonna need a little more information" I say whilst glaring at him. I get that middle school boys are bound to have their problems and secrets but when they are hiding girls in our basement then that's when it becomes part of my list of problems. Lucas interjects "Mike, maybe she can help us, eyes on the inside, right?"

I turn to look at him expectantly when Dustin starts explaining because Mike refuses to do anything but sulk about my presence. "This is eleven. We found her when looking for Will and we're pretty sure she can help us find Will" Dustin says and I nod, not sure quite how to respond.

"Oh, we also think some kind of creature might've taken Will" Lucas adds. "Why would you think that?" I ask at the mention of creatures. "Well, May, there were footsteps in the floor during the storm and they look inhuman" Lucas says and once again, I can't bring myself to do more than nod.

"Fine, if Mavis is helping then she can be in charge of organising the evidence and alibis" Mike says with a frown. "Mike, no offence, you make it seem like some kind of crime gang going on" I interject at the way he is talking.

"Ok, you can just give excuses and stuff like that and if we need extra help, we'll come get you" Mike finalises as I roll my eyes at how he is acting right now. I go to walk away and back to the house when Dustin shouts for me to wait. "Do you mind telling my mum that I'm out if she calls your house?" He asks as Lucas nods next to him. "Sure but remember nothing too illegal."

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