Finding Out

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Mavis' POV:
At least Monday has arrived and I'm more concerned and nauseous than ever. I arrive at school and quickly arrive at the changing rooms with Nancy and Steve in tow. People are already scurried around looking at the results. I manage my way threw the crowd and look at the list. In that moment I nearly scream aloud and not just in my head.

I walk towards the two with a feigned look of sorrow on my face just as they ask me what happened. "May, what happened? Did you not make it?" Nancy begins questioning. Suddenly I jump up and down and say, "I got in, I got in, I got in."

"You got in?" Steve reacts, excitedly as they both pull me into a warm hug, "fucking hell, you got in! I'm so proud of you". Even though I get easily embarrassed from things like public hugs, I don't move away. For once, I actually feel safe with both of them and for a moment, I forgot about what Nancy told me last Friday when Steve left.

The day goes as normal until I get home to my mum with a set of cupcakes. "Congratulations, sweetie. Nancy called me at lunch, we're all so proud of you" she says just as Holly runs over to me with a handmade card of me in a cheerleader stance. I can't help but smile despite feeling nervous about everything that's happening.

That night at dinner, everyone was talking when mum brings out the cupcakes as dessert. The rest of dinner was directed at me and honestly it took everything in me not to excuse myself out of dinner and instead go to my bedroom. Luckily for me, it didn't last much longer so I made my way to bed.

I lay in bed listening to Cyndi Pauper's new album, 'she's so unusual' which came out the other day and I finally got as a present from mum and dad for getting on to the Hawkins cheer team. Just then Nancy walks in and sits on my bed without saying a single word to me.

"Nance, what is it? Did something happen?" I question, sitting up. "Don't tell anyone but Steve is coming over later tonight and I told him to come through you window as it's the furthest from mum and dad's room" she hastily explains.

"You what? Nancy! He can't, I'll get in trouble" I answer in protest. She sighs, "how about I get you a Queen poster for your birthday? There is a signed one in town and I have enough money to get you it, okay? Please, Mavis, I really want to date him, you must get that, right?"

I sigh then mutter "fine but get it tomorrow, I need that poster". "Thank you so much" she says, getting up to leave but just then it hits me, "wait, Nance, you don't already have my present."

Barely an hour passes when I hear a knock on my window and see Steve's face in the window. I open it and only then do I realise that I'm wearing baby pink silk pyjama shorts and top. "Nice pjs, kid" he says with a grin that could rival James Dean's.

He follows me to my door but when I open it, I see Mike and thank the gods that Steve is behind the door. "What are you doing?" I question, trying to act natural and not suspicious. "Going to the bathroom, what are you doing?" he asks, inching towards the bathroom door.

"Just going to ask Nancy a question" I respond with a small nod whilst he nods with a short, "okay" to which I repeat until he's gone. I turn to Steve and say "the coast is clear, Stevie". "Please stop calling me that, kiddo" he says. "I will if you stop calling me kiddo" I respond. "Never" Steve responds, walking to Nancy's room.

All the while, I can't help but feel jealous of her for getting to spend time with him. I walk back to my bed, quietly closing my door as I try to hold back tears at the idea of Steve and Nancy. Also known as my crush and my older sister.

The Other Wheeler // S.H x OcWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt