Section 1 - Peter's Journey: CHAPTER 3 - It Happens

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Section 1 - Peter's Journey: CHAPTER 3 - It Happens

The next morning Lucy ran to catch up to April as they were leaving the residence at Saint Finbar's. Lucy sensed a kindred spirit in April and even though Peter said to go slow (and he was moving slower than a snail), she intended to see if she could find out more about April. She broached the subject of Peter tentatively.

"So, you like my brother?"

"Yes, quite a bit actually," April blushed. "He's so....I haven't figured out exactly how to describe him yet. Dreamy is the best... what did you say?"

Lucy had mumbled something mockingly under her breathe. It sounded like "Magnificent would work."

April's eyes flew open, she stopped and stared at Lucy. "Did you just say Magnificent? Did you mean Peter the Magnificent?"

"No, I...yes, but," stammered Lucy. She had no idea this would mean anything to April.

April was looking wide eyed around the yard. "No, she said, it can't be! I don't... I have to go." She ran quickly down one of the paths.

"April, wait!" Lucy called. What had she done? So much for taking it slow. April was nowhere to be seen. It was starting to rain. Peter! She raced over to Hendon's dining hall and ran into the room. She almost ran over Edmund.

"What's wrong Lucy?"

"She knows, I have to get to Peter!" Lucy gasped for breath.

Peter and Susan had just gotten to the table and had seen Lucy run into Edmund. They hurried over.

"Oh, Peter," Lucy started crying. "I'm so sorry, I never meant to, you should have seen her face. She just ran out of the room. Is she here?"

"Who? What is going on Lu? Slow down!" he said.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Susan said. "People are starting to stare."

By the time they got out to the veranda Lucy was calm enough to speak. She explained what had happened. Peter's eyes were wide with fear and regret. He stepped to the edge of the porch and stared out into the pouring rain.

"I have to find her!"

"We'll go with you," said Edmund.

Peter walked quickly and purposefully into the rain and across campus. Would she go there in the rain? It was the only place to look. As he neared the copse of trees he saw a huddled form on the bench. He breathed a sigh of relief. April! He gestured to the others to stay back and wait. They were long used to recognizing his gestures and had learned to follow him without question when he had that expression on his face.

He approached her quietly, said her name softly and laid his hand on her shoulder. She jerked around in surprise and then just looked at him with utter sadness on her face as the tears mixed with raindrops on her cheeks.

"How can it be true?" she asked. "The stories my grandmother told me, the book of fairy tales I used to read... what does it all mean?"

Peter made a quick gesture behind his back for the others to come closer. He knelt before her to look into her eyes.

"Narnia..." He begin hesitantly glancing at the others with raised eyebrows. Seeing their approval he continued. He had not spoken of Narnia to an outsider since the professor's house. And, they had made a pact never to tell the secret unless by unanimous consent.

"Narnia's time is different from ours," he said simply.

She looked at the four siblings with amazement. "Then it's true? You are the four high kings and queens of Narnia?" Looking at each of them, she said, "Lucy, the Valiant; Susan, the gentle; Edmund the Just..." She looked into Peter's eyes, "Peter...the Magnificent!" They all nodded at her.

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