1st Hour

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Ammon and I walked inside the classroom and saw the desks in circles. we asked ms.B we're do we sit but she said anywhere.

Ms.B is kind of an ugly lady. she's a Kinna pudgy white lady with faded orange hair and librarian glasses. she stay wearing these home made table cloth's and struggle sandals but imma chill on her she's actually a kind of nice lady when she wants to be.

She starts the class by asking us to take out are homework from last night. I grab Ammon's homework he let me borrow earlier and started copying.

Ammon:"You got my work?".

Me: "yeah".

I could only get a couple words down before Ammon snached his paper back, Ms.B was going over the work and she started staring hella hard so I didn't say anything.

I look over to the desk at my right and I see ms.B standing on top of it. "wtf is she doing" I thought. She says that if we have are books pull them out because we're going to be following along in them and that if we wanted to get On top of a desk we could. So of course my silly ass got on top of the desk and so did everyone else.

Now that we're all on top of the desks she has us reading from the book like bible Scriptures and shit I thought it was weird but I read anyway.

We got down from the chairs and sat in our seats to discuss what we just read. A couple minutes went by in class and next thing you know we're talking about the riots and looting that happened in Baltimore. I wanted to say some shit but I don't get political, this was all Ammon right here.

Ammon: "Ms.B ik you see my hand".

Me: "she can't always pick you nigga".

He looked at me and continued to wave his hand.

I wassent really paying attention on what they were saying I was too busy trying to copy the homework. When I was done getting the homework down I got back listening to what everyone was saying and heard Nunu get all political on a nigga.

Nunu is dark skinned with curly hair and black glasses. He's a coo ass silly nigga I knew him sense middle school. To hear my nigga Nunu get all smart and educational was crazy. Iam not trynna go and call my nigga stupid but I only hear funny shit come out this nigga mouth. He was explaining why he thinks the people in Baltimore did what they did. I had some stuff I could have said but like I said I don't get political. After that long conversation of debates and mostly Ammon talking about his opinions it was time to read are Romeo and Juliette books. It was only 8min of class left so I didn't see the point but we did anyway. After 5 minutes of picking out who was going to read what role it was already getting near the time to leave.

Ammon: "get your stuff together".
Me:"I got it" I put my folder in my book bag.

We read for a little and then the bell rung me and Ammon left the classroom walking towards the far left stairs because that's how we get to are 2nd hour faster. We walk down the stairs laughing and talking as usual. When we get to the 1st floor and walk towards the art hallway I hear someone screaming my name. It sounded like Frankie.

"Ebonyyyyy!" I heard from behind me.

Ammon and I turned around and saw it was Frankie.

She had on a green and white striped dress with a small jean jacket and sandals, she looked good.

Frankie: "hey ebony your back" she had a huge smile.

Me: "yeah they freed me".

I continued to walk towards the art hallway while Ammon and Frankie play fought in between me.

Ammon:"i want a Mountain Dew".

There was a vending machine down the way we where going so we stopped there.

Frankie: "c'mon ebony we gotta go to class let's leave him" she started grabbing my harm.

Ammon: "umm wait you got the game fucked up" he grabbed my other arm.

This happens often so I really didn't care.

Ammon put his dollar in the machine while pulling my arm towards him. A drink came out the machine.

Ammon: "Wtf is this I pushed Mountain Dew and they gave me a diet Pepsi" he let go of my arm.

Me and Frankie laughed and we all walked towards are class room. Frankie didn't have the same class as us but her class was on the side of ours. We parted ways and Ammon and I said hi to Ms.carrot top as we walked in(yes I said carrot top).

Ms.Carrot top was a white averaged height lady with short curly orange hair and sometimes wore glasses I ain't gone lie she was ugly as shit.

We walked in the class and wondered why we didn't see are friend Tia.

"Wheres Tia?" we kept asking.

Tia is a pretty coo white girl, she has long brown hair that reaches her back and brown eyes. she hangs with us at lunch too. I didn't see my friend tucker either but I figured he was at home sleep.

I saw that everyone was in the computer room next door so I walked in. The computer room was in between our art room and the one Frankie was in next door. I looked to my left and saw Tia sitting next to a computer drawing tweety bird. I sat my things next to her and walked back in the art room to get my unfinished art project. When I walked back in the computer room Ammon walked past me but stopped.

Ammon: "you know we have a essay to do right? and it's do today".

Me:"Uhh Fuck no"

I just came back and iam already writing essays no no no. I put my project where my things were and walked back in the art room looking for ms.Carrot top. she was sitting at her desk.

Me:"Ms.C.T I don't have to have this essay thing done by today do I?" I was at her desk.

Ms.C.T.: "yes you do, it's not even that much all you have to do is grab an article read it and tell me if you think graffiti is art or vandalism you only have to write one or two paragraphs its simple.

I said ok as I grabbed an article and walked back to the computer room. I grabbed my things and looked for an available computer because the one next to Tia was broken. The girl using the computer next to Ammon was done with her paper and was about to leave so I sat there.

I sat down and logged in, after 15 minutes of procrastinating and writing my name date and hour I got on google to copy and paste. Idk anything about graffiti art and people were telling me I didn't have to read the article so it was w/e.

Ammom:"you know you can get expelled for plagiarizing".

Me: "no ones gonna know" I really didn't give af.

I got a couple sentences in but I couldn't copy and paste anything without it sounding like I didn't write it. Ammon was almost damn near done with his paper, all he had to do was print.

Ammon: "That's all you got?" He was looking at my computer screen.

Me: "yea idk what to put without It sounding like I didn't write it".

Ammon: "Move I'll help you" He sat down taking my seat. I didn't care he took my seat my nigga was bout to get to work.

He got on this website called debate.org and copy and pasted a bunch of things. After a couple minutes it was almost time to go and Ammon was almost done helping me.

Ammon:"alright all we gotta do is print now" he got up.

Me:"Thanks my nigga I got you on Monday 20$ ight?".

Ammon: "fashoo".

We got are papers out the printer and walked back in the art room giving them to Ms.C.T. I put up my unfinished art project I didn't even get to finish but w/e. We stood by the door till it was time to leave like everyone else.

The bell rang and we walked down the hallway of the 1st floor to get to Ammon's locker idk why we go it's never anything in there. We parted ways to get to are 3rd hour class and as i was walking I stopped and made an irritated face. "Ughh Ms.ovwa here" I thought.

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