The BS Starts To Show

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I'll call him N as (No Name) for now. Me and N talked heavy ,like phone calls till 2am and fell asleep talked heavy. We would constantly kik each other daily you know "kik" the old message app yeah. I'd get worried if he didn't kik back in time and everything. The stuff he would say was so nice. Ugh I was such a bitch. I am not gonna say I fell in love with the nigga and I thought he was the "one" for me, but I'm not gonna lie and say that the convos we had didn't have me feeling like he actually gave af about me and cared. He was so sweet. He didn't go around trynna get hoes and hang with his niggas. N was sorry to say this but irrelevant. No one really knew him(except for the weird ppl) that's what I liked about him. I knew I didn't have to worry about him bragging about anything to anyone.

I ran up and gave him a tight ass Hug. I saw a girl with him but I didn't think anything of it. I just assumed she was one of his friends. "I can't breath" he struggled to say while I was hugging him tighter. "o sorry" I said letting him go. I watched him and the girl walk away headed toward the lunch room. Lexi and I walked over to the lunch room doors and waited for Ammon as usual. We all have the same lunch. We saw Ammon walking towards us and he was already on the bullshit. "I still didn't get my Mountain Dew" he said looking at me and Lexi. "There's vending machines down the stairs" Lexi said. We all walked down there and we waited for Ammon to do whatever with the machine but Ammon looked and said "Lexi this one only has Gatorade you are on the bullshit". we laughed and walked down the stairs to the lunch room. When we walked in we saw Tia sitting at the table. "I was wondering were you guys were" Tia said." we would have come sooner but Ammon was on the bullshit" I said. "I forgot I gotta go finish my test I'll see you guys in a minute it's just one question left" Lexi said leaving the lunch room. Me and Ammon said bye as we walked to the lunch line. Tia didn't eat. She never eats I think she just doesn't like lunch food or something idk.

We got are food and sat down. We laughed and talked shit as usual but something wassent right. I looked around the lunch room for N (not that I gave af about where he was) but I didn't see him. "maybe he's upstairs sitting with some friends" I thought. I continued to eat and after a couple minutes we saw Lexi walk in. "the teacher wassent even there had me sitting there waiting" Lexi said sitting at the table. "Well you can still hurry up and eat because I got money to go to the zebra hut so we gotta hurry and leave early" Ammon said smiling and pulling out his money. He had 5 dollars and a couple stripper bills (jp But they were wrinkly). Ammon and Lexi went into the lunch line to get Lexi some food, I was finishing my lunch. they came back and Lexi had chicken nuggets. Ammon grabbed Lexi some napkins to hold her food so it looked like she had a  little to go bag. I got her some ranch and we left. We were rushing up the stairs because Ammon wassent about the bullshit, he wanted his cookies. "Wait they not gone let me in there I still have my food" Lexi said. "Well you still need to come on" Ammon said looking at Lexi already half way up the stairs. He walked ahead of all of us as we walked at a normal speed, this nigga really wanted his cookies. I can't blame him tho every time we walk past the zebra hut it smells nice. We got to the front of the zebra hut and saw some people standing there with a big wheel on the side of them. Ammon was interested, I didn't really care what it was. "Can you go in there with my dollar and get my cookies, they not gone let me in with this food" Lexi said handing me her dollar. "yea" I walked in and got her cookies. When I came out Ammon came in. I handed Lexi her cookies. "thank you here I got a dollar you wanna go in and get you a cookie?" Lexi said. "hell yeah" I said excited. Lexi handed me a dollar so I walked in got me some cookies and came out, Ammon was still in there. "What happened out here?" I looked at Lexi asking. "Ammon paid a dollar to spin this wheel and got a free cookie" Lexi said taking a bite out her cookie. That seemed stupid to me tho, why would you pay a dollar to spin a wheel and get one free cookie when you could walk in and get 2 cookies for the same price. seemed stupid but w.e they was getting they money. Ammon walked out and handed me a cookie. I was happy. I got 3 cookies and didn't even have to pay for one, I got some good ass friends I thought to myself as we walked.

Ammon, Lexi, Tia and I all made are way to the stair case that went to the second floor. We where all laughing and talking as usual an stopped in the middle of the hallway. Lunch hadn't been let out yet because we left early so it was just us."O I still ain't get my Mountain Dew!" Ammon said looking at us. "Who gone come with me down to the art hallway to get it?" Ammon asked. We all looked around at each other with a strange face. tf we look like being late. I mean I didn't really care fr about being late but it's a long ass way to the art hallway. I noticed people where coming out so lunch must have been over. "Lexi you gone come with me?"Ammon said. "Lexi don't go it's a longgg way" I said. "no it's not it's jus-". " i know where the bullshit is" Lexi said interrupting Ammon. "So y'all gone come with me?"Ammon asked . Tia an I looked at each other and explained that ms.sharplin has no time for the b.s. when it comes to being late. she gives no fuck's. You could have a broken leg and crawled all the way up to the 3rd floor to get to her class and she still would still tell you to go back and get a pass. AND THE PASSES BE ALL THE WAY ON THE 1st FLOOR! Thats To much damn exercise. Tia and I didn't wanna be late so we told Ammon no, we were getting ready to go to our 4th hour. "ight Lexi c'mon i guess you coming with me" Ammon said. before Lexi could even say anything Ammon grabbed her arm and headed towards the stairs me and Tia went to class.

When we got to the 3rd floor we went are separate ways. No bell rang yet so We still had time to do whatever. I went in my class and sat my things down next to my seat. I walked back out the door standing by the thresh hold and saw Frankie "hey" I said. "Hey" Frankie said walking towards the other side of the thresh hold. We both stood there and watched the people in the hallways. I saw N again only this time I actually noticed the girl with him. They were in the corner talking and play hitting each other. I'm not no stalker or nothin but I was staring hard. I really just looked at him tho. I didn't know who she really was so I asked around and I heard that that was his girlfriend. I had felt a sharp pain in my chest and my heart beat fast after I heard it. I ain't gone lie a nigga was worried. I asked about how did they know and they just said they sat at lunch together sometimes. I calmed down a little bit. "People make assumptions, maybe that's just his friend" I thought. The bell rang so the girl went to class i guess, an they parted ways. He saw me looking at him so he walked towards me then hit me in my thigh. "Ahh" I said holding my thigh. I really did want to know if that was his girlfriend or not so I asked him something that would get my answer without me even having to asking him on a personal level. "Aey you keep hitting me imma tell your girlfriend on you" I said. I listened real hard for what N was about to say next. He replied with "she not gone do nothing you know how often she threatens me". The bell rung and my heart dropped a little bit. My heart beat fastened and that sharp pain in my chest came back again. Except this time my fists were balled, damn that shit was kinna fucked up.

The Bullshit that happened todayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon