3rd's Koo Ig

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I stood there watching her greet people at the door disappointed that she came to school today. Ms.ovwa is a stank booty ass undercooked biscuit looking ass bitch that has me and my life fucked up most of the time. she looks like a bootleg version of mrs.clause..thats it!. I get half my suspensions from her class. I don't like her first off because she fake as hell. my moms came to her class on parent teacher conference and she wanted to tell my moms a bunch of shit I ain't never heard her tell me before. I tried to address the bullshit but my moms just told me to shut up ever sense then I didn't like her.

"Ovwa" Mrs.clau- I mean ms.ovwa said as I walked past her to get into the class room. I walked in and only saw a couple people and put my stuff down.

"you had me dead on snap chat the other day". I turned around and it was Chanel who was talking to me.

Chanel is cool idk how old she is by ik older then me. whenever Iam hyper or something she just tells me to calm down. Chanel is light skinned with yellow orangish hair and real short.

Me:"yea when you suspended ain't nothing to do but rant on snapchat".

I saw Justin walk in as I was talking to Chanel so finished talking to her and said wassup to justin.

Justin is a funny ass white boy. Justin is white but half the time looks red, he's a few inches taller then me with blond rough short hair. The conversations we have are funny af. We don't do nothing but talk shit and laugh.

Me: "Aey Justin" I was walking towards him.

Justin: "I see they freed you".

We stood by are desks and talked. Justin sat in front of me and Chanel was on the left side behind me.

Chanel: "did you see her snapchat story yesterday about that Thot grandma"she laughed.

We continued to talk but by this time I had no idea the minute bell had rung and that everyone was in there seats.

Me: "yeah bruh she was walking all funny too" I was showing them how she was walking and making funny noises.

Ms.Ovwa: "STOP!" she stood in the aisle way of the classroom.

I looked to see who tf she was talking to because she had me fucked up for a few seconds there. I knew I should just chilled out. I just got back Iam not trying to get suspended again so I let it go.

Class was boring for the first 15 minutes until ms.ovwa pulled out these raggedy ass dry erase boards. she picked kids to pass out markers ,boards and erasers. We got are boards and they where messed up as hell ,they had left over markings from past markers and they were bent af.

Justin: "She got these from dollar tree" he turned his head back to me.

Me: "not even from dollar tree"I laughed.

Our erasers weren't even erasers either ,they were pieces of cloth.

Justin: "ms.B makes her dresses out of these" he turnt his head again.

Me: "you would never" I was laughing my ass off.

We had to write down the items she put up on the smart board in French on our boards. I was participating and surprisingly getting some of them right but, only because I was looking at other peoples boards.

After 20 minutes of working and talking shit with Justin it was getting time to pack up are stuff. I packed up my stuff as some kids were collecting the boards ,markers and bootleg erasers. I got my book bag put my things up and walked over to the door. I saw Lexi. I forget that Lexi's in this class sometimes because ms.ovwa changed seats and put Lexi way on the other side of the damn earth from me.

Me: "Hey Lexi" I walked up to her by the door.

Lexi:"hey" she was standing there waiting on the bell to ring.

Justin walked over to us and started talking ,idk how but we got on the topic of getting suspended.

Justin: "what if you got suspended today ,what would your parents say?".

Me:"uhh no no there will be No more house for me homeless I will be!".

They both laughed but Lexi laughed hard as hell ,it was funny but I was serious this suspension stuff getting real old and iam getting tired of it..i been tired of it but I'll just hope for the best. The bell rung and as me and Lexi walked out heading to lunch I saw him. My heart started beating fast. A big smile grew on my face. I was so excited it was...

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