Ever or Never?

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The last thing you knew you were being dragged through the forest, barely able to even see in front of your face. It was pitch black, with shapes looming at you in the shadows. The last thing you had done before getting in bed that night was read your younger sister a storybook.

It had been called 'The School for Good and Evil' which was interesting, you had to admit. It told a tale of how children of magical families were educated in two school. One for Evil- the Nevers, and one for Good- the Evers.

Now here you were, being dragged through a silent forest by god knows what. Shadow creatures, almost. Just from what you had glimpsed, you wondered if they were Evil. However, no matter how much you struggled, you couldn't break free. Panick was overtaking your body, your breathing erratic.

Being dragged over a forest floor wasn't pleasant. You could definitely say that. With pine needles, roots and bits of bark digging into your back and shoulder blades, all you could hope was that the journey would end soon.

You felt was something solid connect with the back of your head. Then everything went black.

Cold water splashed into your face, as your body crashed into it. You woke, sputtering and trying to get the water out of your mouth. It tasted like the worst thing possible, and then some. Quickly, you looked around, thankfully noting that other students were around you, all heading for the castle. You simply followed their lead.

The throng of new arrivals pulled you along, towards what must be the main hall, you guessed. In the midst of the ruckus was a tall redheaded woman, leaning on an imposing cane. It looked as if she was in charge. Well, you hoped she was as you went over to her.

"I'm sorry to bother, can you tell me where I am? I have no idea what's happening!" You laughed nervously.

The woman gave you a sharp look up and down before answering you. "You, are in the school for Evil. For Nevers. I am the Dean, Lady Lesso."

"Wait like out of the book I read my sister?" You asked, surprised.

Lady Lesso nodded at you. "You are one of our readers. Since you only got to read about the schools, that makes you different from everyone here, Y/N of Hallowfield!" She answered.

"How do you know my name?" You gazed at her suspiciously.

"I'm always right!" She grinned viciously at you.

The Dean lifted her cane and pushed you backwards in the chest with it, making you groan. "Now back off." She growled.

You did as told, backing away from her and merging into the crowd. You successfully managed to locate your dorm room and the people you shared it with. You had already memorized it thankfully. Your class schedule was more difficult to remember. After asking around for a pen, you finally got one and used it to scribble down the timetable on your hand.

By now everyone had started to disperse and you followed everyone else again. After wandering around for a while, you finally managed to locate your dorm room. Number 66. Your dorm mates were three other girls. Dot, Anadil, and Hester.

"Hi, I'm Dot!" One of them introduced herself. Though she was mainly focused on the chocolate in her hand.

"I'm Anadil, and this is Hester." Someone else said, and pointed towards a vicious looking girl.

You tried to be as peaceful as possible. "Well I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you all!"

You took the last bed in the room, one tucked away into the corner. The girls, seemingly satisfied, turned away to talk to each other and left you to your own devices. Just as you were beginning to wonder what to do with yourself, a deafening bell rang out.

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