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Lying on your bed, you pondered why Lady Lesso had let you walk away unscathed. Then you had.. a moment? With her? You weren't sure. Thankfully, your roommates were already asleep, giving you plenty of time to think. You could still feel the ghosting of fingertips across your stomach, setting off butterflies.


You had a crush on the Dean. Which was understandable, with her beauty and her prowess. She rendered you speechless with her effortless displays of power and how she was so nonchalant about it. You tried to push those thoughts away from you head. Instead, you focused on drawing the shadows to you, the dust in the room too.

Thankfully, it was pitch black outside so no one would notice. All you had to do was be quiet enough to let Dot, Anadil, and Hester sleep. You decided to work on conjuring more of your animals, since you didn't have lots of control over their shape. Focusing, you drew shadows and dust to you, all joining together until it took form.

Of a bunny?

You had wanted something small, so that was right at least. And you weren't complaining. Sighing, you just laid back on your bed and stroked it gently. You marvelled at how it felt like fur. The bunny sniffled towards you, nosing at your arm. The woffling nose moved up your arm, until the bunny finally cradled up against you. Drowsiness rolled over you, and you feel asleep snuggled against your own magic.

The next morning, you felt like death. The bunny had disappeared so you sat up alone. Your roommates were also gone, only Dot remained. "Where's Hester and Anadil gone?" You asked her only to be met with a shrug. "Apparently someone was attacked by a stymph." Was the reply. You shot up, grabbing some clothes and putting them only quickly.

In the main hall, a crowd was gathered trying to look out onto the grounds while being pushed back by teachers. Glimpsing over shoulders, you saw that Lady Lesso was out there, using spells to beat back the stymph. It was letting off wails of pain, and you felt sorry for it. All you could do was run out onto the bridge after slipping away from the crowd. Teachers yelled from behind you, but you ignored them; all you could focus on was the stymph.

When you reached Lady Lesso's side, she shouted at you but ultimately focused on her spellcasting. "Hold off for a minute!" You told her, walking up to the stymph. "Y/N no!" She yelled, her magic dissipating. The huge bird immediately quieted down when you reached out a hand towards it, tentatively. It leaned down it's massive beak and nuzzled your shoulder. "Aww hello." You crooned, smiling. The stymph curled around you, electing confused gasps from the crowd. Lady Lesso included, her hands froze in midair, shock on her face.

You merely grinned at her. "Looks like I have a new friend!" You laughed, rubbing the bird's beak, earning happy squarks from it. The dean backed away, beckoning you with a stern finger. Well you were fucked. As you freed yourself from the birds clutches, it got the message and let go. The whole school watched as it flew it away. Groaning, you followed Lesso to her office, traipsing past the awed crowd.

She pushed you into one of the chairs with her cane and slammed the door. Her office was very dark and hadn't been cleaned in a long time, you noticed. The look on the Dean's face was one of anger, mixed with a lot of surprise. Panicking slightly, you felt the familiar tugging in your gut and a wolf formed at your feet, Onyx. He wrapped his tail around his paws and give Lady Lesso a pleading expression. She paid no heed to the wolf which had suddenly materialised, looking directly into your eyes. "Care to explain?" She thundered. You looked at her, confused. "I'm really sorry for interfering, I'm sure you were in control. I just, I dont know, felt bad cause the stymph was clearly in pain," You pleaded "please dont fail me!"

The woman groaned, her head in her hands. "I mean how the hell did you do that? No Never can ever be near a stymph without being attacked." Oh, you got the picture now. "I don't know! Maybe I'm not fully evil? I dont think anyone is black or white like that, not good or evil." You answered, just as confused as her. Maybe just less angrily.

"Forget it, come with me." She said, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the room. Lady Lesso marched you past staring students, across the bridge, and to the school for good.

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