Special talent.

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The dorm room was empty, and silent. Finally some peace. That was all you wanted to clean yourself up, and then probably sleep it off. You didn't bother to figure out where the other Nevers were. Just went straight to the mirror hanging off the wall opposite the door, to look at the mess of your face.

The cut was quite deep, and ran from just above your right eyebrow, down across your eye, and stopped just below your ear. Blood oozed from it and covered the lower half of your face. You let out an irritated groan and tried your best to not let the blood drip onto the floor. Quickly, you moved to the bathroom that joined to your dorm room. You filled the sink up with the water from the tap and grabbed a towel to wipe away some of the blood.

Footsteps echoed behind you. Thinking it was a dorm mate, you didnt turn around until the familiar voice of the Dean rang out. "What are you doing?" She asked.

You look at her, shocked. "How the hell did you know where I was?"

Lady Lesso rolled her eyes. "You have a deep wound and you're bleeding a ridiculous amount. It's not hard to follow the trail of blood!" She hissed.

That was a fair point, you had to agree.

"What do you want me for?" You asked her, trying to focus on stopping the flow of red down your face.

Lady Lesso sighed. "It doesn't matter. You have a lesson with me in 10 minutes. Please ensure you don't bleed all over my floor." And with that, she left with a flourish of her cane.

All you could do was wait for the bleeding to slow until you finally made your way into your magical talents class. Fortunately, you were right on time.

When you arrived, you could feel eyes on you, making your anxiety spike. Your fellow student's eyes flitted from your face, to trying to focus on the Dean. Wordlessly, you took your seat. You sighed, preparing for yet another day of boring lectures in the gloomy, shadowed room.

"Today we shall be displaying our talents. Every Never is gifted with a unique style of magic. Whoever shows me the best spell, will reign supreme!" Lady Lesso smirked at the class.

You watched nervously as she went around the class. Lady Lesso dismissed those with mediocre talents, and giving grudging praise to those who showed good skill. Internally, you panicked. The last you knew, you didn't have any talents or any good skills. You watched as the Dean went around the class, finally everyone had given their own show. Some fairly impressive, some a horror to watch. Until finally, the dreaded cane was pointed at you.

"Y/N, please give us a good show. After the pitiful displays from your classmates, I expect something impressive from you." Lady Lesso sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose after watching Hort sprout a single hair.

You stood up nervously, trying not to meet anyone eyes. You were about to mention that you didn't have any special talents, when you were interrupted.

"She doesn't have any special talents! She didn't even have any parents to show her how to be evil! Why should we waste time on her?" Hester disagreed. She got a scathing look off Lady Lesso. But you retorted back. "That's weird coming off Miss mummy issues! Least my mum wasn't a selfish old hag who didn't want anything to do with me!" You laughed at Hester, even if that definitely was a lie. 

Suddenly, the angry tattooed girl stormed over to your desk, getting right up in your face. "You have no idea of what I'm capable of, Reader!" She threatened. You grinned in her face. "Try me." You said, even though you had no idea how to defend yourself.

Hester smirked and stepped back. You watched in horror as the tattoo on her shoulder turned red and started crawling out of her shoulder. You took a step back. And then another. Some sort of dragon had materialised from her tattoo. It was almost the size of a desk. You gulped nervously, trying to think of something that would help you. Finally, the dragon broke free, circling around the room before diving for you.

You scrambled around, looking for anything to help you. Settling on a book, you grabbed it. As the dragon was almost upon you, you smacked it straight in the face, with as much force as possible. Hester yelled, shouting curses at you.

"Can you calm the fuck down?" You shouted at her, trying to avoid more dragon attacks. The girl just cackled.
You noticed how the rest of the class, Lasy Lesso included, had moved to one side of the classroom. To watch the carnage, presumably.

You felt a stirring inside you. Something dark and.. ravenous? You weren't sure. The shadows in the corner of the room started to slide towards you. The tugging in your gut grew stronger, the shadows drawing to you more quickly. Dust had also started to collect in the corners of the room. Horrified, Hester watched as that started to migrate to you as well. Dust and shadows collected at your feet.

You gazed in wonder as they started to swarm together. The whole class stared, watching the swarm take shape. You managed to will it, somehow, until something began to form. As it settled, gasps were heard. It was a wolf. It raised its head, eyes the darkest black smoke, letting off small wisps of the colour.

The wolf was over half your height, and was strongly built. The body of it consisted of the swirling mass of dust, shrouded in dark shadows. It switched its gaze to Hester and her dragon. The girl looked panicked as her dragon drew in for another attack. You grinned and winked at her as your wolf grabbed the dragon by its throat. Hester screamed, sinking to her knees in pain. As your wolf bit down, she scrabbled at her throat, trying uselessly to be able to breathe.

You reached out in your mind, looking for signs of life. The wolf's mind linked to yours, and you tensed as the feeling washed over you. A name popped into your head, Onyx.

Hester was still screaming, and you thought to Onyx. 'Leave her alone now, enough!'

You could feel him grumble. But he did agree in your head that Onyx was, in fact, a him.  He abruptly released his hold on Hester's dragon. It fell to the floor, and everyone watched as Hester continued to whimper. The dragon started to scramble towards her, barely moving along the floor. You felt sorry for Hester, you really did, so you took pity. You picked up the dragon, before kneeling beside Hester's shoulder until the dragon formed back into her tattoo.

Then chaos erupted. The class scrambled for the girl, who lay unmoving on the floor. In the rush, you slipped outside of the room, Onyx following.

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