Love is weakness

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A few days later and Dovey had pulled you aside at an assembly to tell you to go visit her. You were worried as to how you'd get into the school for good without being attacked, by fairies or by students. Nonetheless, when you arrived at the golden doors on the halfway bridge, 3 fairies came down and circled you before the doors opened of their own accord. You weren't attacked though, so you took it as a good sign.

As confidently as you could, you strode into the entrance hall, gaining the bewildered and slightly frightened stares of some students. The three fairies still circled you, making you chuckle at the thought: your own personal escort. Your muddy boots and combat armour looked very out of place against all the ball gowns and heels of the Evers, but Dovey had asked you to meet her in the library even thought you had no idea where that was. Luckily for you, the three fairies herded you in the right direction. Hopefully.

You were pushed down a long golden corridor, up the long spiral staircase at the end and then along some more corridors, though these were all wood panelled. Finally, you were jostled towards some double doors and just as you about to enter you heard voices. One of them was the familiar sneer of Lady Lesso. She was talking to Dovey, you realised, from the usual sing-song she spoke in. "And what has you in such high spirits, might I ask before you go? I have someone arriving any minute." Professor Dovey asked, earning a snort in return. However, the woman persevered. "Come on Lesso, who has you so happy? There has to be someone!"

Lady Lesso just barked out a harsh laugh. "There is no someone. Happy? Me? The Dean of Evil? Please." She said sarcastically. Dovey just groaned and you could basically feel her frustration through the door. Your heart sunk at those words. How you had hoped that she felt the same for you as you did for her. But what else did you expect, she's the Dean of Evil.

Dovey continued relentlessly. "There's only one thing that makes a person so happy; love!" At her excitement Lesso merely groaned. "Love is a weakness. It hurts, it destroys and it ruins. I am not one for such a useless feeling. Pfffft love!" She said, and you could imagine the disgusted scowl on her face. God it sucked being in love with the Dean of Evil, you realised. Hurting, you simply turned and walked away, not wanting to hear the end of their conversation.

You strode down the halls back the way you came. The fairies hadn't come to escort you, maybe they sensed you weren't a threat at the moment. You laughed quietly to yourself, trying to stop the flow of tears from your eyes. God you were so stupid to have thought she would have liked you back. Through glazed eyes you managed to navigate your way back to the halfway bridge and you hurried off to your room. You had a momentary thought of what Dovey needed to talk to you about, but it wasn't exactly what you were most focused on.

Luckily your dorm was empty since everyone was outside during break. You shut the door and slowly sank down it until you were sitting, tears finally spilling. After a short cry, you stayed still and simply processed. Lesso didn't love anyone, let alone you. Not that she had to, but it would have been nice, you chuckled. Well if she didn't care for anyone, she wouldn't mind if you went about your normal life without her. You were going to be a brat, admittedly, but it was worth it. Yes you were hurting, but you were also angry; at yourself for thinking she could love you, at her for being so god damn attractive and just everything. Why couldn't things just be simple? You sighed and heaved yourself up off the floor.

In the mirror you composed yourself and looked presentable just as the next bell rang. Your memorised timetable told you that it was uglification, a lesson you weren't excelling in. Well that would change, you thought. Just as you were nearly at the classroom you bumped into Nyx. She looked nervous. "Hey Y/N can we talk later?" She sighed in relief when you nodded. "Yeah sure, come meet me in the courtyard after class." You told her, giving her a cheery wave as you went to your lesson. The whole time you simply wondered what she wanted to talk to you about until the class was finally dismissed.

Nyx was already waiting there when you arrived, a slightly worried expression on her face. "What did you need to talk to me about?" You asked her and noted how it took her a while to answer. Eventually, she groaned quietly and laughed. "Well let's just get this over and done with," she announced. "I wouldn't ever want to jeopardise our friendship but do you want to date me?" She sighed at your raised eyebrows. Although, you could use this to your advantage. If Lesso didn't love you, she surely wouldn't mind if you 'dated' Nyx? And with that, you were decided. "Nyx, I would love to." You told her and she grinned happily.

The next bell went interrupting the moment and you grabbed Nyx's hand, dragging her to the food hall. You both sat together and you rested a hand on her knee. Lesso hadn't noticed yet so you upped your game. God this was a horrible idea, you thought but continued anyway. Your hand moved it's way up Nyx's thigh, finally resting a few inches from where they met. "What are you doing?" She whispered and you smirked lazily. "Well I can't exactly keep my hands off, I mean look at you!"

Nyx blushed at your words and you chuckled at her reaction. Soon enough, you both finished your meals and made small talk until you were just outside the hall. "What was that?" Nyx asked you as soon as you were just by the side of the door. "What? Don't tell me you didn't like it?" You bit your lip and grabbed her hips to push her against the wall.

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