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Luckily, you bumped into Nyx just as you ran out the door.

"Hello!" She said. You continued walking, motioning for her to follow. "What's the matter?" She asked at your silence. You just shook your head. "I'll tell you in a minute." You both carried on walking, until you reached a deserted corridor. Nyx leant against a wall. "Now tell me what's up?" She said.

You obliged and told her all that happened. She seemed very in awe and gasped at the wolf still trailing behind you. "This is Onyx." You told her, taking in her face, as she looked at him. "How the hell did you make a wolf out of dust and shadows?" Nyx asked, bewildered. You just shrugged. "I don't know, I just had the feeling that I could. And then like, boom, here's Onyx!"

The wolf himself pawned anxiously at your leg. You got the hint, and waved your hand. Onyx immediately disintegrated back into dust and shadow. You knew he would be back, when you needed him. "That was incredible!" Nyx gasped. You just grinned at her enthusiasm. A loud bell rang, interrupting you both. The both of you started making your way to the Ever dining hall, the bell meaning it was lunch hour. You frowned, noticing a flash of ginger hair disappear behind the corner. Maybe Lady Lesso had seen you dispel Onyx, you thought. Quickly, you shrugged and dismissed the idea.

In the lunch hall, Nyx babbled about her uglification class, and how a boy called Titan had managed to grow a huge wart on his nose. You tried your best to focus on her words, but your connection with Onyx bothered you. The line had finally passed so that Nyx got her meagre portion of maggots and stale black bread. In a split second, you whispered in her ear not to follow you, and turned on your heel.

You headed back to the School for Evil, going straight to the library. There had to be some book that would shed light on you and Onyx. The tall shelves towered over you, casting shadows and collecting dust. You felt oddly at home. It must have been the darkness and squalor, you presumed. The bookshelves were black and the books that were piled onto them were all dark colours too, faded from years of being unused. You were unsure of what to look for, something along the lines of conjouring. Animals maybe? Well, you had to start somewhere you thought as you reached for a book titled 'Conjuring, Casting and everything inbetween'

However, you noticed there weren't any seats. You sighed and gestured your hand at the floor. The dust there began to coil together until it formed into a writhing snake, leaving a clean spot on the floor. Sweeping your dress underneath you, you sat down on the wooden floor and opened the book. Hopefully there would be something helpful in there.

As you had been reading, the snake had coiled around one of your arms, almost peering at the pages too. A gentle hiss flooded your head. 'There! It says about Nevers and links to animals.' You jumped. Another of your dust creatures had linked to you mentally. 'What's your name?' You asked tentatively to the snake. 'Persia' she responded, her voice almost purring in your mind. You just nodded and read the page she had pointed out.

It went on about how Nevers could be mentally linked to animals they conjured. The creatures would appear in times of need to them, and had before, hence why villains like Cruella DeVil had her dogs. She was connected to them, you realised. That was the only mention of any sort of connections. No further reading on why the animals could have their own personalities, and it didn't say that they could communicate telepathically with their Never.

Some mysteries were left unsolved, you shrugged. Looking up from your book, you started as you locked eyes with Lady Lesso. "Curfew rules. Why are you still here?" She snapped. There were no clocks around, so you had no idea what the time was. "I lost track of time. I'm sorry Lady Lesso. It won't happen again, I promise!" you replied desperately. The woman had you in awe of her. She must have sensed that as she advanced on you, smirking.

"Ensure it doesn't." She whispered, her lips grazing your ear. With that, you went to the door quickly, hoping to god the blush wasn't apparent on your cheeks. The snake, Persia, was still on your arm. She dropped off, slithering towards the Lady Lesso. 'What are you doing?' You groaned in your head at her. Persia didn't respond. You turned around, watching as the dean stared, amused at the snake now coiling up her leg. She reached down to touch it, fingers brushing over the grey scales.

"I'm sorry, Lady-" your sentence was left open ended as you felt her fingers brush against your stomach. But she hadn't touched you, just Persia. The snake herself crumbled into dust at Lady Lesso's feet. As your eyes locked with the Dean's, you turned and fled away to your dormitory. 

Trying to push the odd feeling from your mind, you hurried to your dorm. It wouldn't do well to be caught again.

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