Capture the flag

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After waking up in Lesso's bed again, you worried how the roommates would react to you being gone for the second night. The redhead next to you stirred, her green eyes meeting yours as a lazy smile played on her face. "It's still dark you know." She said, holding an arm around your waist. You were going to have to be in your own bed before the morning alarm. "Yeah but I have to be back in my own bed. My roommates already don't like me." You groaned before you got up and waited for Lesso to snap her fingers and reappear your clothes. When she didn't, you huffed. "I need clothes please Lesso."

She sighed before she did as asked and you made for the door. You looked back and saw her flame of hair spread across behind her, smiling at her beauty. "Well off you go then, wouldn't want to have your roommates worry!" She mocked you as she lounged on one arm to stare at you. With an eye roll, you left and hurried back to your dorm. Luckily all you had to do was put on your pyjamas and then crawl into bed, and grab an extra few hours of sleep.

With a booming "WAKE UP DESPICABLES!" Lesso's voice woke you all and groans filled the room. You remembered from your time table that first you had forest class, the gnome, Yuba, had told you last time that it was a mixed lesson with both Evers and Nevers. Although with a twist- this time, you both would be in teams against each other playing capture the flag.

Your roommates had already started making their way to the entrance to the Blue Forest, so you followed them hesitantly. Yuba had already started grouping students by the time you arrived, with two groups of both Evers and Nevers. You were last, so the Gnome put you in the second group of Nevers. Your allies? Nyx, Hort, Dot, and two boys who you didn't know. "I'm Scorpion." The taller one introduced himself gruffly. Taking in the other one, you noticed how he was short and quite wide, with far apart eyes and a long mouth. "I'm Toad, by the way." The squat one added, and you agreed that it definitely suited him.

"Listen up!" Yuba roared and banged his staff on the floor, capturing everyone's attention. "You both will start at opposite sides of the designated arena. Nevers will attack and Evers will defend, as is tradition. Whichever team gets the other's flag back to their own base, wins! Harming of any players is strictly forbidden and will be punished accordingly! Up first is team one of each school."

The respective teams moved into their positions away from the clearing the rest were in. Sighing, you leant against a tree while Nyx and Hort came to join you. "How long do you think they'll take?" Nyx asked and you tapped your chin in mock thought. "Hm well the Evers have Tedros, so maybe all of five minutes?" You said sarcastically, making Hort laugh. The three of you just chatted about your classes and how the year had been so far, while you both took the piss out of Hort as he wouldn't tell you who he liked.

The amplified voice of your teacher rang out, Yuba shouting for the next teams to take their place. You all made your way there, ready for a quick group huddle. "Okay so what's the plan?" Hort asked you all while most of you shrugged. "I mean, I dunno. Wing it I guess?" You laughed and the group all agreed just as the bell rang for the game to begin. "Okay Toad and Hort you stay here and defend while the rest of us go get their flag." You said, speeding off quickly.

Dodging all the tree roots and stumps was difficult, and even worse so when you made it to the peony field.  The vicious plants snapped at you and you avoided them the best you could, although some managed to snag your clothes. You cursed but carried on and prayed you were nearly at the other teams camp, the playing area wasnt huge luckily. Just on the other side of the field was the other team's flag. You squatted behind a bush quickly, observing the Ever's base. Two girls stood there, one looking at her nails and the other clearly not interested. You rolled your eyes. All they wanted was for the Ever boys to come save them, you thought.

It looked easy enough and so you focused. Shivers went up your spine and you felt the tension all over until the world shrunk. You stretched out an arm which was now a black wing, and sighed in relief. A black falcon. Thank god for that. You jumped into the air and flapped your wings to get used to them before soaring over the girls and to the flag. With a squark, you grabbed it in your talons and flew off as fast as you possibly could. Below you Nyx and Hort were just all out brawling with the Evers in the middle of the playing ground. Until you screeched, then Nyx looked up and gave a shout of delight and landed a solid punch to an Ever boy's face with a pleased "That's my best friend!" At that, your laughs came out as squarks.

Just as you flew to your own base, the last Ever boy had grabbed your flag and was making a run for it. All you could do was rush to put the flag on its pole, ready and waiting. The minute it touched down, everyone vanished and reappeared in a clearing where the other two groups were. Yuba looked only half pleased. "Well the first group of Nevers failed miserably. The second won. So well done to you! Evers, please remember to defend," he said and pointed his staff at the boy who had ran off with your flag. "That goes for you Austin!"

You were still in bird form, and you didn't particularly like the idea of being naked in front of everyone. Even if you'd get a punishment off Lesso, which you definitely didn't mind, you smirked internally. So, when class was dismissed you simply flew your way back to your dorm balcony only to find the door locked. Although you tried, the door wouldn't budge, magic or not. So you went to the next place you could think of- Lesso's room. A quick trip there and you were tapping your wing on her window.

The woman herself who was sat at her desk, looked up and smirked. With a flick of her wrist, the window opened and you flew inside gratefully. "Well hello Birdie. What can I help you with?" She chuckled as you turned back into your naked human form. "Clothes please?" You shivered. Lesso snapped her fingers and you had your own clothes on, comfortable at last, god you were grateful. "Well I think you're starting to make a habit of this. Not that I mind seeing you naked." Lesso winked, "I hear your team won capture the flag. That's one of the first victories Evil has had in over a century." The Dean said. "Well done." And a smile played on her face as she said it. You were just pleased to make her happy. After chatting to her some more, you both had work to do so she continued her paperwork, and you went to finish your afternoon lessons.

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