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Nyx let out a slight whimper and you grinned at her. When her back hit the wall, you pushed yourself up against her to catch her lips in a ferocious kiss. Hopefully people had noticed and, if you were lucky, Lesso would walk out. "Y/N!" Nyx warned breathily when you broke apart. You simply smirked proudly and whispered back. "You want me to stop? Aw sorry baby."

Lesso still hadn't walked out and only a few students had seen, so you backed off. "I have some studying to do, want to come?" You asked and Nyx nodded quickly. She held your hand as you walked to the library, a cloud of dust coming off the door. "So what did you need to study?" She asked when you headed towards a tall shelf of books. Your fingers brushed over faded titles when you replied. "Uglification. It's one of my worst subjects and I'm not sure why. So I thought I'd make a potion similar to one we did in class today."

Nyx nodded at that and helped you find a reasonable book. "How about this one?" She suggested and brandished a worn blue book at you. The title read 'Ugliness and it's benefits' which sounded good enough to you. Both of you sat down on the floor, which you had cleared of dust by conjuring it into a bird. It was a raven and it perched on a shelf just above you both, watching carefully.

A few hours later, and Nyx had fetched her cauldron and ingredients. The potion was bubbling away inside the pewter cauldron. It was nearly ready from what you could tell, and both of you were very excited. "Okay so from what the book says, this should disfigure my face for as long as I wish it too." You said, and eagerly dipped a spoon in it. "Ready?" Nyx asked, and you nodded before swallowing the foul tasting concoction. It burned on it's way down and you grimaced, squeezing your eyes shut.

When you opened them again Nyx was staring at you and you grinned. "I take it it worked?" You joked and looked in the mirror she had brought. Boils and warts had broken out all over your face, making you resemble some twisted idea of pepperoni pizza. "I look like pepperoni vomited on my face!" You cackled and your girlfriend joined in too. Both of you erupted into fits of giggles until finally you sobered up. "Right okay I'm gonna undo this now," you said and read aloud from the book. "You must imagine yourself back to how you were before, thus releasing the magic from your body," you said and furrowed your brow in concentration.

There was the odd sensation of water flowing upwards off you face, and when you looked in the mirror you had returned to normal. "Well I like you much more like this," Nyx said and leant in for a kiss. The raven above you cawed, breaking the moment as you both looked up at it. You rolled your eyes, and moved to place the book back on its shelf, with a wave of your hand the Raven dissipated.

Well that was one lesson you now finally understood more, and you were quite pleased with that. Suddenly, Lesso's voice projected in the room, and presumably the whole castle. "Students! Gather in the hall at the school for good! Latecomers will be punished!" rang out, making you and Nyx jump. You both merely shrugged at each other before heading out of the castle.

All other students were already in their seats, so you both made haste to find free spaces on a bench. You looked at the two deans and Lady Lesso shot you a glare, for being late presumably. Dovey started off the assembly by banging her staff to draw attention. "Dear students, it has been reported that there are sightings of a dragon around the school. Now do not worry, the staff have the situation under control," she was cut off by Lesso. "And for God's sake stay away from it, lest you want your head blown off. Any student to see the dragon will report it immediately. Should any of you princes," she sneered before continuing, "attempt any heroics you will be punished accordingly." The Dean finished, giving a feral grin, but earning a dirty look from Professor Dovey.

Just then, you stared out the window at a huge black mass om the roof of the School for Evil. You stood up quickly and gestured out the window. "Well not to alarm anybody, but the dragon just landed on the roof!" you called out, both Deans already running out the door. Quickly, you sprinted after them until they finally stopped on the halfway bridge. Many other students had also gathered there, pointing and staring at the dragon. Lesso had a grimace on her face as she shot fireballs at it from the palm of her hand.

You felt something strange pull you to the creature on the roof, you realised. With the usual odd sensation, you focused hard and tried to only transform into part of your desired creature. Luckily for you, your powers enabled you to and huge black feathered wings shot out of your back. Dovey had noticed you while Lesso still continued her assault and she shouted after you as you moved over to the side of the bridge. "Y/N no!" She shouted after you but it was too late. You jumped over the railing and let yourself fall. That was until you flew straight back up in the air, of course. You laughed happily as you grew accustomed to your wings. Upwards you went, until you were level with the dragon and the students looked like tiny black dots.

Looking down, you could see Lesso's almost fearful face and Dovey still shouting. You felt almost guilty for worrying them but you were near the dragon now, which took up most of your focus.

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