Sapphire Sage (one of the 3 worlds)

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Jamus had fallen into a bush of shining blue crystals. “Where I am?” he wondered. Then, rushing back he had got separated through tiny broken glasses into Isa's memories. “Oh but what does this have to do with her?” Jamus heard something snap and a growl, a flash of white blur. “What in the wor-”  he was cutted off by a  tiger girl who dragged him by his hoodie “Hey let go of me!” he yelled screaming kicking “Shush,” she had taken him to a blue hills, there was a tribe of white tigers male,female,babies,kids, except Jamus noticed this odd tiger who had white horns and white tail. “Who is that?” “I can’t tell you” He realized that it was Isa just as a baby. Janus followed the others white tigers to a cottage that was all different shades of blue, "This is my home" "Wow its uhhh..very blue" Jamus didn't want to , offend offended any of the white tigers they could be much much stronger than him. "What's this board up door" he asked she ran to him "No! you can't go in there" "Taksi come and bring him with you" Taski walked with Jamus to a table with a group of white tigers it was super crazy Jamus was not so sure about sitting with these strange tigers. Two female tigers had came with blue bowls with blue food inside. Everyone started to gobble it down very quickly. Jamus just stared at his bowl of blue mush. He looked over at Isa who was smelling the blue mush and threw it at one of white tigers male his face wasn't  pleasant his sharp teeth showed he was very angry he stood up while everyone else at the table was still eating expect Jamus. He had walked over to Isa leaving blue mushy huge paw prints on the floorboards, he picked up Isa and snarled "You filthy  devil your a bad luck charm and we hate white devils goodbye"  He threw Isa out of the small window she fell into the same shining crystal bush that Jamus did before. One of the white female tigers saw Haru did "Haru Taski loved Isa how could you be so cruel and not be aware of her feelings!? " "That's a white devil we hate them when she becomes older Emiko  I need to rid of her now she could have cause a lot of trouble! " "Taski isn't going to be very happy about your decision" Jamus couldn't believe what just happened white tigers hate white devils why? He wondered if it seemed like these white tigers really like the color blue, such a weird thing for creatures like them to accept their enemies.

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