Amber Flaxen (two of 3 worlds)

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What happened?” questioned Erine, “I think this is another one of Isa’s memories” “What’s the first one?” “I don’t know” said Daly “Don't think that…” “Isa, Jamus, or Gracelyn got sucked into the other memories” There were dragons that were bright yellow swirls in the sky. They moved so slowly but it was fascinating to watch them. “Wow” Erine looked at the sky “What does this have to do with Isa though…” Suddenly there was a blur of a younger Isa white horns white tail she ran fast “C-can’t run anymore….” she had stopped and she was out of breath. "Isa come back you can't hide forever~" Isa had gained the strength to keep running and so she ran all the way through a forest she didn't look where she was going and had end up falling in a ditch it was super deep she tried clutching onto the dirt to climb back out it wasn't very successful though. She screamed for help suddenly there was a swirls of color that filled the air with yellow dragons "Please help me" Is a cried the yellow dragons flew down to the ditch and landed there feet on the hard ground Is a climb on clutching there yellow fur tightly. Then they flew away two of the other dragons saw Dayl and Erine it came to them soon they were riding with Isa in the night with dragons, the guy that was chasing her had looked up and was fuming he was really angry. He had grow wings that were chained he smirked and he flew after the yellow dragons he had tackled they making it hard to fly straight so Isa Dayl, and Erine crashed into a felid of really really tall flowers that were rainbow colors. Isa and Gracelyn were there trapped in a cage that was made out of vines. Jamus had came crashing down falling into the one of the rainbow flower coughing because of all the powder that it had inside. Melina had also fell from the sky, Jamus screamed for help and so did Isa and Gracelyn who shook the cage that was wrapped around with vines.

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