Hallow (3 of worlds)

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Melina had woken up with a tiny person standing next to her "Hello Melina wake up" Melina gasped for air "How do you know my name and where I am!? " Melina had yelled "First no yelling second welcome to Hallow! "  "Didn't you already say Hello, why are you saying it again?" "No no Hallow as the island you're on" "Ooh… okay wait.. how did I end up here and also why I am so big and you are super small? "Everyone in Hallow is small” “Stay here” said the tiny person as they ran into one of the many houses that were on the island. They came back running with a necklace “Melina” “Okay please stop that it’s creepy” “Sorry uh… let me just explain really quick so everyone who comes to this island know each other names without telling” “That is weird” “Yea it is anyways” “Hold before you do whatever your going to do can you tell me your name?” “Oh how rude I forgot to tell you my name” “So….” “My name is Syden” Syden had walked closer to Melina and shook the necklace a couple of times before it zapped Melina and she felt herself shrinking slowly. “Wait, is that Isa!?” “How do you know her name?” Syden was very confused and shocked “It’s hard to explain” “Also why are you a little girl everyone who comes is either an adult,teenger, or pre-teenger” “It’s a long story” “So you're looking for Isa?” “Yeah, do you know where she is?” “No I could try to find her though”  So Syden and Melina looked around for Isa " We.. can't find her.. anywhere… " "I agree"  ''What should we do? " wondered Syden "I know maybe let's just wall around" "Uh… are you sure you must know that here in hallow we have very strict rules" "And you decided to keep this a secret!? " "Shhh… lower your voice" Just then Melina saw someone in the distance wearing a gray jacket they hop from stone to stone, they surry up the brick wall and disappear  "What about them maybe they know" "No no we can't ask the-" Syden was interrupted by someone screaming "ISA THIS IS SO DANGEROUS!" "Be quiet Pira your ruining all the fun" "Let's just go back Is a this isn't worth risking our own lifes" "Nope" Isa had climbed higher of the brick wall "Isa be careful!" yelled Pira "Shush! " she whispered Isa had helped Pira "Come on Pira let's go" "No I'm not following you and get kill-" Isa had dragged Pira by her wrist, Isa had started running she saw the strange person who looked behind and kept running. "Welp, I found her " "No no Melina we can't go there" "Why no?" asked Melina "Because that's where Odd lives" " Are they a bad person or something…?" "Yes you should never mess with Odd"dd he’s very strange and can cast spells I heard people don’t ever come out alive” Syden’s face had darkened, Melina had ran through the town of Hallow and cross the border that suck her in she was in the world where Odd lived the place looked gloomy This looks like every kid’s nightmare, Melina thought she heard footsteps she had jumped behind a bush and hid, someone was carrying a weapon they walked away. Then suddenly something was dropping out of the sky. It almost crashed right into the bush that Melina was hiding, lucky she dodge just in time. Then she ran off running around she passed a lot of houses that were shaped weirdly some were bent,lopsided, craggy, well..you get the point anyways Melina was still searching for Odd and Isa she needed to do it fast. Because she was growing smaller and smaller each time it was getting hard to see everything when your super tiny.  She was looking for Odd, finally she came to the edge of the gloomy town and stood a small cottage that was crooked. Melina had a hard time trying to find the doorway. Someone had appeared behind Melina “Boo” Melina screamed running in circles of the small crooked cottage “Your get scared so easily”  They laughed, Melina’s blushed of embarrassment “Who are you!?” “Who do you think?” They asked “Wait..are you Odd?” “Yes I am” “Well… Odd I came to find someone named Isa. Do you know where she is” “Yes I do” “Where!?” “Why would I tell you” “Plwese” Melina looked at Odd with puppy eyes “Enough with that stupid trick” they said.  Melina groaned “Come on you have to help me I’m cursed into finding all of Isa’s lost memories and this is the last one” “Isa lost memories fine” “Thank than-” Melina looked around Where did he go he was just here a moment ago?
A voice called out to Melina “I’m inside!” he yelled  Oh he was inside why didn’t he tell me that at least!  Melina walked inside the small crooked cottage, “Woah! how do you survive in here everything is upside down” wondered Melina “I just do” he said   “So where is she?” asked Melina "She's probably going to the Elders of eyes temples that is wayyy up in the Sariah mountains" "Who are Elders of eyes? " "They are the ones the superior Elder is the one who holds the whole entire universe in a golden moon crest necklace that’s she wears around her neck” “Whoa, that’s sounds so cool”  “Anyways it will take you a long time to climb up there” Odd handed Melina some equipment that was rather strange “Why do they have no color?” “It’s hard to explain” “I’m literally a little girl they might not recognize me” “They know everything they have a special mirror that can reflect your true self even if you have a curse” “I wish I had that type of mirror cause Jamus didn’t believe me” “That’s sucks “ “Yeah it does,can you please come with me?” “No” “Why not?” “Cause the elders of eyes hate me” “Okay can you atleast point me in the right direction?” “Sure” Odd and Melina had went outside Odd pointed to a sunlight and told her “Where ever the sunlight shines that is how you know” Melina saw the sunlight bright beams point to a mountain that was light purple “Is that where the elders of eyes are? " Melina wondered. So she climbed up there it took awhile but she was able to then she saw the golden temple it shined, Melina sighed before walking through the temple "Where is Isa? " she wondered.  She fell backwards or someone was pulling her backwards. “Hey let go of m-” Melina’s eyes widened “Stop complaining sheez” ODD!? He actually came Oh my gosh! Melina hugged Odd tightly “Y-you scared me Odd” happy tears ran down Melina’s face “Yeah yeah you took too long to find Isa” “Isa oh that’s right I kinda forgot why I was up here” “Also I pulled you backwards because your going the wrong way” “Oh…You could have just told me you know!” Odd rolled his eyes “Anyways the golden temple is that way” “But I thought it was that way” Melina said as she pointed “It’s doesn’t even look dangerous just a pile of snow” “It’s is dangerous I can’t really explain it just follow me” Melina had followed Odd she saw the golden temple When they entered it was breathtaking there was 6 thrones each one of them had weird symbol that was carved out. Melina looked around for Isa she's was with one of the many elders "Hello dear" "May I speak with Isa" "Sure" Melina dragged Isa "Come with me" "Okay…." Melina had explained to her "So.. what do.. I do for you  exactly..? " "I just told you" "Oh… " One of the elders noticed this and said "I can help come"  The elders pointed to a feather that was hanging from a tree that was outside "This is, feloa feathers they help you reverse a curse" "Really!?" Melina couldn't believe what she was hearing, the elder picked off one of the feloa feathers and walked back inside there was a black circle the elder placed the white feather inside of the black circle, "Melina sit closer to the black circle and Isa sit far away from the black circle" Melina sat down closer to the feloa feather and Isa sat down far from the feloa feather the feather had absorb magic and started to fly up and sparking. Isa's eyes turned rainbow and her wings appeared they were rainbow there was a blast sound then it stopped only remain was tiny sparkles flew down slowly Melina was back to normal and then she disappeared with all her friends back to black room every piece that they found it flew from their souls were different colors it made all of Isa's memories come back together Isa now had wings that were rainbow color she could get a lot quicker around then she could on her feet, there were more challenge to be faced.

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