New book

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Very first please return back to your Wattpad homepage if you are sensitive to reading about toxicity in love.(not using a particular name of any disorder or phobia.)

Please this book can be triggering even though I tried alot to not provide details.

Next this book is going to have three endings. Each on the basis of readers satisfaction, if you feel like the first ending is suitable then you can leave the book their but if you aren't satisfied go for the next one still if you aren't satisfied go for the last one.

Ahm ahm.


This book is a work of total fiction, no similarity to the reality is written in this book.

I hope you all understand.

And it's totally my work, so don't you dare copy cuz if I find anything copy pasted like this then their work will be reported.

Last but not the least... before starting i have a request.
Please do not hate any character, they are just performing those actions because I am writing them to do that.

That doesn't mean hate me either!

Huh...let's get into the book.

POISONOUS LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now