Jonathan- a regular evening

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request from D_korn_Trash

It was the evening,their was nothing to do and I was all alone at home.

I  didn't want to be alone because it was Halloween night.

I decided to call up a friend, Jonathan persicely.

He answered the phone and agreed to come over.

Ever since July Jonathan has been acting weird and different around me.

I don't know if something happened or he's just not in the mood.

Maybe he's just sick, or maybe he likes me.

I just sat on my couch and waited until he knocked on the door.

                   -Time skips-

I  heard a knock on the door.

I got up and opened it to see Jon.

" Hey."

" hi." He said.

I great him for him to come inside.

He sits down on the couch while i get him and myself a beer.

I hand him the beer and he smiles with a slight grin.

I sit down next to him.

We were close, my thigh was touching his thigh.

" maybe instead of sitting here want to go to the park? " He questioned.

" Oh yea sure." I  said.

You two got up.

I got on my jacket and he grabbed a pack of beer.

" Uh why do we need that." I said with a smile.

" What, I get thirsty." He said.

" Ok well if I get pulled over I'm blaming everything on you." I said.

He grinned laughed and you two left.

  i started the engine and drove to the park.

" could we go to the side of the park under the bridge." He asked.

" Well only if the car can go down their." I said.

" Yeah it's a drained river the car will be fine. He said.

" mk." I said.

I drove down under the bridge and parked the car on the cement.

I kept the radio on and layed back in my car.

" You got any ciggs on u?" He said.

" Yeah." I  said.

I reached for ymy pocket and grabbed me and him one.

I tried to look for a lighter but i couldn't  have one.

" shit, you got a lighter?" I said.

" Oh yea." He said grabbed one from out of his back pocket.

I put the cig in my mouth and he lit it for me.

The grin on his face was glamorous.

I thought to myself what if Jon does like me.

When I was laying back on my seat Jon had put his arm behind me.

With my hand on the cigarette and my other hand free I  grabbed his hand and held it.

He held onto mine to.

The glances you two gave eachother turned out to be face to face.

I  took the cigarette out of my mouth and so did he.

I moved closer to him where you guys  thighs touched eachothers.

He grabbed my waist and kissed me.

I kissed back.

You two went into the back and layed down, i was on top of him looking at the moon while his head was glanced back by the window so he wouldn't fall.

He played with my hair for a little untilmy eyes closed.

It was the best Halloween i could ever have with jon, with music on the radio, beer, and cigarettes. It was the greatest night of nights.

It was a night to remember.

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