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Todoroki was walking towards his room when  a maid said,"young master. Mister todoroki has called for you". He stopped in his tracks and looked at the maid."What for?" he asked."I do not know. But he said it was important. He wants you to visit right away. "Todoroki usually tries to avoid his father, Enji Todoroki also known as Endeavour. But if it's an important matter then it can't be helped. "I'm not good at dealing with that man. I wonder what he's up to." he thought as he started for his dad's office. He knocked three times once he reached there."Come in", a muffled voice came from inside. He went in. Endeavour seemed busy doing Paperworks. Once he saw Todoroki he set the papers aside and motioned him sit. "Shoto, you came,good. Come now, have a seat".Todoroki twitched his eyebrows at his father's pleasant voice. "What is it now?", he asked and sat down in front of him. " What? Can't I have some tea time with my son?""Just get to the point. I don't have time for this sh*t", Todoroki said with annoyance in his voice. Endeavour pushed an envelop towards Todoroki. " what is it?" Todoroki asked. "See for yourself", Endeavour said and started pouring tea in two cup. Todoroki opened the envelop and looked inside. There was a picture of a girl and a bio-data. "Well?"Passing the cup of tea, Endeavour dropped his friendly act and said, "Shoto,I wonder if it is not about time for you to settle down with a good prospect? "Todoroki was low-key expecting that.  He picked up the tea cup and sipped a bit and said, "You don't need to worry. I will decide my future myself"."Is that so? But I'm afraid you've become quiet infatuated with that green haired boy" Endeavour said.Todoroki looked at his father, a bit shocked. He was secretly daiting Deku.  Endeavour smirked and said," Hmph,Did you think I would not notice? You're the next head of the company.  You need to find a good partner."  Endeavour picked up the photo and looked at it. "She's the only daughter of a well-known businessman and a beta. Marrying this girl would be beneficial for our business too. I want you to meet her this weekend for a marriage interview". " I intend to marry Izuku and spend my life with him. If that's not possible then I will leave this house". " SHOTO! Don't be a fool! Marriage is to tie two establish families together and ensure their peaceful coexistence.What do you see in that omega? He's nothing but a sl*t. The man in our family has always married a beta. And you want to marry an omega and spend your life with him! I can't even imagine an omega giving birth to a heir of this family. Such embarrassment will not be tolerated "Todoroki was fuming with rage at this pont. He slammed on the table and said "don't you dare say such things about Izuku" and looked at his father grimly. "That is a scary face you're making ,son. You cannot play around forever. It's about time you start forwarding the family interests". Todoroki gave him one last glare and left the room.

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