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The next morning Deku woke up with a slight headache and pain in the back. He sat upand looked beside him. Todoroki wasn't there. He called for him,
"Todoroki kun"? He didn't get any reply. He went to grab a water bottle from the bed side table amd saw a peice of paper. "A note"? He took the note in his hands and read it.

It said, " Good morning babe. Sorry I had to leave for work. You were sleeping so peacefully I couldn't wake you up. There's breakfast in the fridge. Heat it up and eat it. I locked the doors. Love you".

Deku smiled a little and thought "seriously you didn't need to make me breakfast, Todoroki kun.Come to think of it, I wonder what he was saying while I was passing out last night". He tried to recall what Todoroki said..
"Please..something...was he asking for something"? He couldn't remember as he was drunk and tired and passed out before he could listen. He groaned and grabbed his head in pain. His headache had gotten stronger. "Guess I'll ask him next time we meet."

Deku got off the bed and walked to the bathroom,brushed his teeth and went to the kitchen. He took the breakfast out of the fridge and put it in the oven. He set the timer for two minutes and waited. After making a "ding" sound the oven came to a stop. He took out the palte and set it on the table. He grabbed a glass of water and started his breakfast. It was two egg sandwich, one sunny side up egg and a smiley made out of tomato ketchup on the side of the plate. Todoroki always did that whenever he made breakfast. He still had some time before office. He ate his breakfast slowly then washed the dishes and got ready for work.

Deku please get pregnant.

"Ugh" Todoroki slammed the table as he made another mistake. He was managing some important files but he kept messing up. The thoughts from last night won't leave his mind. And now it's affecting his work.

In all honesty, he hated what he did. He hated the fact that he drugged Deku to get him pregnant. He hopes he gets pregnant.  In fact there were some hesitations. If Deku hadn't talked about breaking up Todoroki might not have done it.

Todoroki loves Deku. He loves him so much he could die. After growing up in a toxic environment, Deku was the first good thing that happened to him. Deku was like a gust of fresh spring air, blowing away all the negative shits from his life. He made him feel alive. He made him realise how beautiful life is. Todoroki learned to smile because of Deku. Deku brought out all the good thing Todoroki didn't knew he had. He gave him a new life. All though their first meeting wasn't pleasant he gradually fell for the green haired omega. He had fallen for the omega before he could even realise. And the next thing he knew , he wanted to marry him. Spend the rest of his life with him. He'd do anything to stay by his side...but now , Deku wants to break up with him! Can't he see Todoroki's doing everything he can to stay with him!

"Wait no..I'm blaming Deku... it's not his fault..He can't help it" Todoroki thought. He grabbed his hair and let out a heavy sigh. "I can't get the work done...I need some fresh air".

Todoroki got up grabbed his coat. He went to his sister, Fuyumi's cabin. "Hey..I'm going out for a bit..can you take care of the files please", he said. "Uh,okay..but where are you going? We have a meeting at 1:00 p.m." Fuyumi said. "I know. I'll be back before that." He said and went out.

The cool air of autumn wind hit his face, winter's close by. He inhaled the fresh air and started walking towards a resturent nearby. He sat in one corner and ordered some soba and tea. He looked outside the glass window. He could see lots of people walking by, some alone, some in groups. Little kids were walking with their parents. Maybe one day he'd have family just like that...Maybe he too would walk with his Deku and his baby like this. He was missing deku. Should he call him? What if he's busy right now..maybe he's sick..what if the meds started working...ugh he's so stressed! He fetched out his phone from his pant pocket and called deku. He knows he'll be fine if he hears the omegas voice.

"Hello,Todoroki kun."

"Hey Midoriya. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you? "

"I'm fine too. ummm did you eat the breakfast I made?"

"Yes. It was delicious"

", you're fine...right? You're not having any problems?"

" do you ask Todoroki kun?"

"Oh..Ah- well, I thought maybe I was a little rough last night...sonI wanted to make sure you were okay..."

"No no... I'm okay....there's no problem. Aren't you at work?"

"Yeah..I have a meeting at 1:00 p.m. just getting a little something before that."

"Well then good luck. Miss you. Bye."

"Yeah..miss you too. Bye". Todoroki said and hung up.

So he's okay huh..he looked at the date ..there's still time..he needs to be patient and be prepared for anything.

The waiter came with his soba and asked if he needed anything else. He thanked the waiter and said he was fine. He finished his lunch and went back to the office for the meeting.

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