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Since this is an omegaverse and omegas can get pregnant they are treated somewhat like woman. They can go to a gynecologist if needed.
And I made up the Beta girl and B Company for the stories sake. There's no B Company in the manga.

"We're meeting quiet often  nowadays. You seem to have a lot of free times in your hands, Todoroki kun",Deku said, munching on some nuggets. "Yeah well, most of the troublesome work have been dealt I'm kinda free this month", he replied. " Ehh! That's good to hear. I feel like there's more work pressure at my office..",deku said. "and I wanna spend as much time as I can with you", Todoroki said, putting a piece of bread in his mouth. Deku smiled in reply.

They were at Deku's place, eating lunch. Two weeks have passed since that night. Two weeks left before his engagement announcement. Todoroki have been checking up in Deku now and then...eagerly waiting for any kind of symptoms of Deku's pregnancy. This is the third time they're meeting this week.

"Last week we had a meeting with the chairman of B Company, father of the Beta dad wants me to marry. The meeting was successful, they came to an agreement of working together. They also talked about the marri-" Todoroki trailed off. Deku wasn't listening to what he was he was dozing, his face almost touching the plate. "Deku are you sleepy"? Todoroki asked. Deku flinched and woke up. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the drowsiness.

"Sorry. Even though we're in the middle of a meal...lately I've been feeling very sleepy and tired." Deku said while yawning. This caught Todorokis attention. "Are there any other symptoms?" He asked. " Symptoms?" Deku yawned again. "I mean are there any other problem?"Todoroki asked cautiously. "Not really...but I think I've gotten a bit fat. Maybe I should exercise a bit", Deku said, poking his tummy. "I think you could go with a bit of chub", Todoroki laughed. "Not just that, I've been feeling a bit dizzy lately too". Todoroki stopped eating and looked at Deku. "It's getting really bad, I think I need some res- umm..Todoroki kun..why are you smiling?" Todoroki was smiling unconsciously. "Eh..uh.its nothing..Deku, let's go to the hospital".

Deku was surprised at Todoroki's sudden proposal. Deku had thought of going to a doctor but then changed his mind. He thought if rested a bit it'll be okay. "It's not a big deal ,really. I'll be fine if I take some rest." "Let's go to the hospital", Todoroki said desperately and grabbed Dekus hand. Deku looked at him confusingly. "Why are you being so desperate?" "You've been feeling sick for a while now right?" "Maybe because I'm overworked. It'll be okay if I rest at home". "What are you saying? You're not a kid anymore, you shouldn't ignore health problems. Now let's go to the hospital" Todoroki said and dragged Deku to this car. "Aren’t you overreacting?" "Put on your seat belt", Todorokinsaid and drive off to hospital.

At the hospital:

"Umm..hey isn't that the gynecology amd obstetrics department? Why are we here"? Deku asked. The Alpha's actions are confusing him.
"Momo will see you" he said. "Oh there she is. Momo!" Todoroki called out to the Beta doctor.
"Todoroki kun, Deku kun"!
"Hey. Midoriya's here for a check up. It's important".
"Wait, Todoroki kun..I said I was dizzy..why did we come to Yaoyorozu San"?
Momo looked at Todoroki, then Deku's confused face and then looked at Todoroki again. She could feel something was off. "Umm..Deku kun,please go inside and wait for me",Momo said.
"Nurse please take him inside", Momo said to a nurse. Once the nurse took Deku inside she turned to Todoroki. She looked at him grimly and asked "What's all this about"?
"I think Midoriya might be pregnant",Todoroki replied.
"What! How come?" She was taken aback. "Was he- wait...that day..that day you came to me...the meds I talked about...don't tell me you used them on Deku kun!"
Todoroki looked away. "Just go and run the tests already" he said.
"I can't belive you!" Momo said and walked in.
"Yaoyorozu San, what's going on?"deku asked, a bit scared.
"Don't worry Deku kun. I'm just gonna run some tests okay? Please cooperate".

  Outside the room, Todoroki was pacing back amd forth in the hallway. He already knew the answer but he needed to be sure. He needs to explain everything to Deku. He just kept pacing and looking at the time. What was taking them so long!   Right then the door opened. Deku came out, followed by Momo. He couldn't see Dekus face as he was looking down.
"Midoriya, is everythi-"
Todoroki was cut off with a slap landing on his face. The people in the hallway and the nurses were shocked. They all looked back.
"It's creating a scene!" Momo thought.
"You're the worst", Deku spoke,still looking down. "A person's life...what do you think it is!" Deku yelled. He looked straight into Todoroki's eyes. His eyes tearing up.
"D-deku kun..calm down" ,Momo tried to calm him down. "There are people here,let's go inside..",Momo suggested. But Deku didn't listen. He was so mad right now.
"Hey, answer me!"
"Midoriya...I'm sorry!"
"Hasn't it been almost two months! You knew of it and that's why you brought me here!" Deku said, tears now flowing.

"Why aren't you answering! Do you understand why am I so mad right now?!"
"Because I planned to get you pregnant",Todoroki said. He couldn't look at Deku.
"Yes! And there's no way I could abort our child. You knew it and that's why you planned it!" Deku grabbed Todoroki's shirt.
"If you had a reason for this why couldn't you tell me...don't just flip someone's life.." Deku said crying hard into his chest. Todoroki wrapped his arms around him and brought him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry" he said.

Deku was scared,confused...he didn't know what to do. He just kept crying.

"I'm sorry".

AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey guys! How was it? Did you enjoy it?

I have test exams around January/February. I have to prepare for it *although I know very well that I won't get any study done before a week of the exam🙂* So the updates may be irregular. I may end up updating two chapters in week like this one. Or there might not be any updates for a month. But please be patient and support me.
Annnnd...I think I'll make a part two of this story...probably.

Please pray for me, so that I actually start studying . And pass the exam.

And sorry if it was rushed
Love you.

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