The Appointment

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Shadow Pov:

    "Rouge, I don't need go to the sycolagist, I'm perfectly fine as obvious at it is!" 

    "Hon, then explain why you were freaking out in our meeting at G.U.N the other day if your so 'obviously fine'?"I rolled my eyes while Rouge tried pulling my arm out the door. 

    "I wasn't freaking out I was just out of breath." I said while trying get out her grip.

    "Mmh, sure hon the same was it for the past ones too, now come on before we are late for your appointment." I groaned as she finally got me out the door, I practically gave up at that point knowing she won't stop until I go to the appointment.

    We finally got to the building I felt myself getting a bit nervous but I tried keep myself calm. We walked through the sliding doors to be met with a mobain in a flannel shirt looking overly bored at thier job.

    "Name?" The man asked as Rouge elbowed my arm signaling me to speak up.

    "Shadow The Hedgehog..." I said lowly as I ignored eye contact with my arms crossed. 

    "Yes now sit somewhere or anywhere until your called in." He said boredly as me and Rouge sat on a comfortable sofa near by. 

    "Hon, you can breath out now." I left out a big deep breath realising how long I've been holding my breath during that time. 

    "Thanks Rouge." 

    "No problem Shadow" 

    As me and Rouge were waiting just watching whatever was on the TV in the waiting area we finally hear my name called out to be seen with a mobain with a clipboard and pen waiting for us at the door. We were led to a room with a peaceful feel to it that would calm anyone down in a bad mood. There were also a few board games and books stacked neatly in a tiny shelf. In the room was also a desk  with one chair on one side and 2 on the other side with a bean bag in the corner of the room. We sat down across the lady who was reading the slips of paper she has received. 

    "Now then, you've told me that your friend here has been having trouble than usual and looking distressed with other mobains, correct?"

    "Yes, he has been overly anxious when around people sometimes and has gotten as bad that he refused to go outside" rouge sighs worryingly.

     I crossed my arms hearing thier conversation trying my best to focus into what they were saying but my thoughts were blocking me to do so. I was overthinking of all the things they could be saying about me or even thinking about. I can feel my breath turning sharper and faster as I felt myself getting lightheaded. I knew this was the farthest I've been to these appointments and knowing how upset Rouge would be if I left right now but I had to. 

    I could feel Rouge looking at me worryingly knowing what I'm gonna do next. I stood up grabbing my Choas Emerald from my quills and also taking a hold of rouges arm screaming...


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