Turn of Events

187 13 10

Author: I forgot to add seatbelts to the drawing D=

Shadow's Pov:

    'I shouldn't have agreed to this' I repeated over and over inside my head as we silently waited for the roller coaster to start moving again. This stupid thing roughly stopped half way through the ride and we are now below a pond. Sonic just faced his head down to avoid thinking about the water below. It wasn't like we could do anything  about it, getting off of it would be a safety hazard and let alone getting out of the seatbelts is impossible.

    I just sat there waiting for atleast something to happen or that annoying hedgehog to start speaking but there was nothing just Silence. Pure silence. The only time I want this blue hedgehog to speak he decides not to, instead he is just looking down on the floor with his water phobia.

    Still there was nothing going on. The other passengers doing their own thing but i couldnt help but feel akward here. I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible but what am I suppose to say? Faker here really wanted to go on here to begin with as he waiting a whole hour to ride this junk. either way he wouldn't want to leave the rest of the people on the ride to be stuck here for who knows how long.

    I was just boringly looking around until I faced Sonic and noticed his face looked as white as a ghost. He was just tilting his head downwards making him look tired. was he... sick? All the other times I seen him near bodys of water he just freaked out instead of showing any signs of sickness. Either way I should take this idiot out of here before he throws up all over the place.

    I hesitantly tapped his arm which grabbed his attention almost instantly. " Er Faker you don't look so good... just look at you" I said trying lift his head away from the floor. "W-what are you t-talking about Shads im alright" He sheepishly smiled with struggling  to keep a thumbs up. I just smacked him on the head from anger. "You're not fine! Just looking at your face alone proves otherwise!" "I j-just feel a bit nauseous... I'll be fine until the ride starts back uggp." I just rubbed my templates to try escape the growing headache I was getting. " Do you need me to hold your hand or something if you don't want leave so much?!" I said sarcastically but he took it literally and nodded his head.

    I let out a sigh and held his hand, patiently waiting for this thing to start. I just looked at the open sky and saw all the bunches of blues in it with the rare sighting of clouds every now and then. I couldn't help but notice some kind of sticker or tag of some sort plastered on the side of the cart. Before I could take a closer look at it the roller coster violently started once again, causing the back of my head to smash into the solid chair.

    I groaned from the pain inflicted on the backside of my head but ignored it to try sneak a peek at the sticker from before. I instantly fell back in the chair and fell on Faker's lap but that wasn't the problem here. This whole attraction was a trap set up by Dr. Robotnik because he puts his signature logo on everything he creates. Not only was the cart made my him but including the so called passengers with us also has his logo glued onto them. I'm suprised he hasn't came out of the sky explaining his whole plan on taking over Mobuis yet. Whatever it is I'm not letting it succeed.

Sonic's Pov:

    The ride was finally working! but I can't help draw my attention towards Shadow who was on my lap and the never ending nausea. I couldn't help but feel a huge blush on my mussel which I just attempted to slap myself to stop it. This caught Shadow's attention and signalled me to lower my head. 'We have to get out of here, this place is a trap' He whispered into my ear causing me to jolt back a bit. 'bu-' I tried whisper back to him but he just covered my mouth and interrupted me. 'there is no need for explanations right now. Just go into my quils and try to look for my Chaos Emeral so we can get out of here'

    I did what I was told and he snatched green emerald. "Could've waited a bit." I faked pouted as he rolled his eyes and sat up in his own section of the chair. "I don't trust you with it and we have to hurry." He then grabbed my arm as a bright light consuming us both in a blink of an eye. I then appeared in a neat room with a color pallet of black, red, gray and white. 

   Shadow then appeared sometime later holding a few items which I ignored. "M-mind explaining W-where we are?" I asked Shadow weakly as he placed me onto a bed before speaking. "We are currently in my bedroom, which answers your qustion. We had get out of there as it was a trap set up by Dr. Robotnik and his robots, they also attached some needles onto your seatbelts which could explain your palness." He then held up a seatbelt that was covered with now blood filled needles

    "I can guess that he was going to kill you slowly by drawing out as much blood in you or try experiment with it." Shadow said now pasing around the room. "We s-should go s-save those people..." I attempted to get up to then to be stopped by a blanket. "You better stay here and regain the blood you lost! I'll go over there to see what's going on so focus on resting while I get you a glass of water." He said gritting his teeth to soon cover me with all the blackets he had practically making me into a burrito.

    He soon came back with a glass of water and sat me up to drink the water. I wasn't able to hold the glass so he held it for me. After I was done he placed it onto a table. "I'll tell Miles that you're here at my house to pick you up so just stay here... though I'll doubt you'll listen..." Shadow scoffed before Chaos Controlling away. After the light settled down I looked just looked at the ceiling retracing the past events. My eyes widen as I forgot that I was in Shadow's room. Imagine the snooping I can do here! Then again he said to stay still... but meh a little bit won't hurt.

    A little bit was an understatement- IT HURT A TON! I kept wriggling hoping that I could break free from the blankets but that eventually failed with me being exhausted. How could some needles drain me so much but then again we were on there for the whole entire day...AMY! SHE IS GONNA KILL ME FOR KNOWING I DITCHED HER. I kept panicking until slowly feeling drowsy. A little nap wouldn't hurt plus this bed feels so nice. I then shut my eyelids until hearing the door open. I hope its not Tails because I want to stay here just a little bit longer.

Shadow Pov Again:

    That idiot finally fell asleep so I entered my room once again double checking that he didn't touch anything. Thankfully nothing was moved from its original spot. I was picking up my Chaos Emerald from the stand until opening a cabinet and took out a few pictures of her. Dispite how much pain I feel remembering her, I still find myself always coming back to these pictures of us. They were old and dusty but the memories were still fresh in my brain. Going back on them just leaves a empty feeling knowing she is gone.

    I just looked at Sonic's sick face and went back to the photo of Maria. I hated seeing people sick it just reminds me of my time with her as I was mainly created to cure her illness. I sent the photos back in its place just staring at the boxcutter next to it. I shook my head and closed the cabinet and grabbed my emerald. I knew I was upset but i did this to myself. 

"Chaos Control..."

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