An Encounter (insert Pokemon music)

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Shadow Pov:

n"What are you doing here!?" Sonic asked giving me a confused look.

"it's none of your business Sonic the hedgehog, let me guess your here taking care of Cream with the girlfriend of yours"

"Amy is not my girlfriend! What if I told you Rouge was your girlfriend?!" I rolled my eyes, did he not know that her and hot head both are interested in each other.

I was full of dred as I had be in the same room with this annoying hedgehog, why did my day have get any worse?!

"Mr Shadow and Mr Sonic it's not nice to joke around about people's relationships!" I looked at her and laughed a bit and reached my hand to pat Creams head.

"Sorry Cream we was just joking around"

"but still!" I gave her a light smile and she understood and let go of it.

I heard tapping as I saw the blue hero tapping his foot up and down while looking at the time, then looked up at me.

"Hey Shads, we should have a race back to Vanilla's place, what do you say?" Sonic said giving me a huge smirk on his face.

"I rather not waste my time on you and leave Cream and Cheese walking or flying all the way there."

"But come on!! I was so boreeed today, so pleaseee!! I won't even bother you for a whole week!" I rolled my eyes knowing that the last time he promised me something like that he couldn't even last the 3rd day.

I grabbed Cream and Cheese and started looking through my quills for my Chaos Emerald, but I couldn't reach or find it-

"Looking for something!" I looked outside of the TreeHouse to see faker having my Chaos Emerald.

I climbed down to meet face to face with the theif.

"You should really not leave your things in the middle of nowhere, now what do you say about the race!" I looked at him inraged for taking my Emerald and my time.

I started to walk back to get Cream and Cheese until I heard "It would be a shame if I just teleported away with your Emerald~ and it will prove that I'm the strongest~"

That was the last straw, he was getting extremely on my nerves now! " FINE THEN, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE!"

"Alright already you don't have get so mad all of a sudden." He said sarcasticly making me even more angry but I had to set a good example so I left it be.

I walked up to the TreeHouse to grab Cream and Cheese and went back to Sonic placing Cheese on top of his head.

"If we are racing we are gonna bring these 2 with us safely, got it?"

"Ugh Yeah I know, can we hurry up now we only have a few minutes." I was confused what he meant by that but just shrugged it off and let cream piggyback me so we can start the race.

"Hey Shadow, why did you give me Cheese wouldn't it help you more if I gotten Cream?"

"As if I'm trusting you with a child." he looked a bit annoyed from that statement.

"And as if I'm letting you get back your Chaos Emerald with anything for me in return" I gave him a quick glare and started getting focus in the area ahead from us to ease my mind.

I started to notice how bumpy and cramped it was ahead of us which started to make me worry about Creams safety and her Chao. One wrong move and they will get injured. I really owe Cream a lot for helping me relax and cool down my nerves, so I don't want her to end up hurt because of me like Maria. Ive already accepted the fact that she was gone but I just sometimes have this overwhelming guilt at times about it being my fault.

'It is my fault, it really is, isn't it-' I got out of my thoughts from Cream tapping my head.

"Mr Shadow, I'm gonna be alright don't worry so much, plus I'm a strong girl anyways" she said worringly.

"Yeah I know Cream, you really resemble your mother." I said forcing out a smile.

" I get that a lot, but remember inhale and exhale because you've been holding your breath for so long." That's when I realized I did it again, I sighed remembering that rouge is probably looking for me.

"Thanks cream."

"Your welcome! Now let's get this race started!" She said excitingly putting one arm in the sky as if we are going to war.


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