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    I finally was back at my trusting home looking around nervously making sure no one was around but I wasn't as lucky as I thought as I saw Tails on the coach still not realizing I was back yet. All I have do is just sneak into my room and lock it and try get my face fixed as soon as possible. Easy task, right?!

    I started to tip toe to my room trying to not make a sound. 'come on just a bit more further' I kept telling mysel- CREEEEEK. Dang it... I jinxed it didn't I! My brother pulled 180 with his head to stare at me with concern look on his face. He started getting off the coach and grabbed some supplies and dragged me to an open chair in the kitchen so he could start looking for what was 'wrong'.

    "Sonic, it doesn't look like you have a fever but your face is extremely red! What happened back there!?" Tails said while looking back and forth at the thermometer and me, wanting to get a answer from me.

    "It was nothing.. I just got some red marker on my face so what!?" 

    "That doesn't explain the heat coming from it though?" I started to think as fast as I could for any possible excuse but nothing came to my mind. 

    "Let me guess, it was Amy wasn't it?" I was shocked from what he said, and why would Amy have anything to deal with this! 

    "Your probably just embarrassed of.... something she did right? Or is it something else which you can tell me about, after all I do give my full trust in you" Tails said extremely serious about me telling him whatever happened as he would have been worried If caught a cold and trying to act tough. 

    "I'm fine Tails don't worry... Im just a bit out of shape so don't worry so much and I too put all my trust into you too it's just sometimes I need more time to reflect over things..." I gave him a gentle smile which he was a bit proplexed by but just went along with it.

    Tails quickly went to grab a paper towel which he started placing ice cubes in and rushed back to me to give me the cooling ice pack that he got. I started to put it on the places of my face that felt on fire.

    "It's not much but it'll help with that heat of yours on your face!" Tails said already getting back into a positive mood.

    "Thanks buddy! Hey why not next time I ask Ames if we can save you some dessert, they are pretty good!"

    "That would be great but you don't have to!"  I could just see the stars in his eyes after he heard dessert from Amy, causing me to chuckle a bit.

    "There is no stopping me now from asking her, plus it's a reward for all that hard work you've been doing for gun lately!"

    "Yeah I still have a lot left to finish for them but they are gonna get me some special chemicals and materials I need but in return I'll have invent some stuff for thier missions."

    "What missions are they doing that would need you inventions?" 

    "Well, mostly it's just a slight upgrade in weaponry but also had make 3 Chaos Energy trackers for Omega, Rouge, and Shadow."

    My face started heating up from the keyword 'shadow' making me remember the events that have unfolded not too long ago, which caused the cubes of ice melt in an insane rate from the touch of my face. The melted ice cubes flooded my glove making me panic knowing this would be the end of me if tails connected the pieces together.

    "I think I'm getting a bit tired you know from all the activities today, hehehe! I should be going to bed and soon should you, haha, bye!bye!" 

    "But Sonic! it's only si-"  

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