The Basement

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Nagisa's POV:

Karma just suddenly bolted somewhere towards the back of the room. I tried to chase after him but Koro-Sensei stopped me.

Koro-Sensei: Let him go on his own. He knows this place better than anyone.

Me: No. Fuck you. I know this place well too. Also, what if he gets hurt or something. I'm not letting that happen.

I started to run after Karma as well but by the time I started running I had absolutely no clue where he could've been. I was more towards the back of the house at this point and there were only four rooms back here. Two bedrooms, a bathroom, and the basement. I went through the rooms according to size. I went to the bathroom first and then the bedrooms but Karma wasn't in either of them.

The only place left back here is the basement.

But, Karma hates the basement.

He wouldn't really come down here would he?

I went over to the door but per usual there wasn't really a way to get in.

Me: Shit. Hey Karma are you down there?!

Karma: Yes... the bodies are here...

Me: What?! Let me in. NOW!

Karma: I would but this door is broken how you expect me to do that... get Koro-sensei to open the door.

Me: For fucks sake. Fine.

I ran back to the room with the pool of blood and sure enough Koro-Sensei still hadn't moved from his spot.

Me: Hey, bastard for a teacher, Karma found the bodies.

Koro-Sensei: Really? Where?

Me: They're in the basement but the door is broken.

Koro-Sensei: Okay, show me where it is and I'll open it for you.

Me: Alright, it's this way.

We both started speed walking over to the basement.

Man these two are idiots.

If Karma could've gotten himself in there then he could've gotten me in there too.

And as for Koro-Stupid dear lord that guy is an idiot.

All I needed to do was follow Karma.

But of course this bastard said nope, fuck you.

We stopped in front of the basement door which Koro-Sensei broke down. A putrid smell arose from the staircase as Koro-Sensei and I walked down the stairs.

Me: Hey Karma, where are you?

Karma: Here!

He was surrounded by a shit ton of bodies. All more disgusting than the last.

Koro-Sensei: Karma back away from the bodies. Don't touch any of them.

Karma: Wouldn't do that but they look older as if they were around here for a while... besides the rumours around this place are not good either.

Koro-Sensei: What are the rumours?

Karma: You don't know the reason it was actually abandoned?

Koro-Sensei: No. I never even knew this place existed.

Karma: Nagisa, you wanna tell him or should I? You loved to tell the story of this place to your friends if I remember right.

Me: Sure. Why not.

Koro-Sensei: Please, do tell.

Me: So, at one point this place was used as a dorm system for the school. Something that people weren't aware of at the time however was that there was a serial killer that lived in said dorms. One night, he killed everybody that lived there. And then afterwards, killed themself.

Koro-Sensei: Holy shit. How long ago was this?

Me: It was about twenty years ago. Right Karma?

Karma: Ahm The one you're talking about yes...the one we are in is actually built above that ground after the first collapsed but the same thing happened here and this one is just about 6 years old. You would think they'd learn a thing or two but nooo. Hence the stupid huge area because they reused some old buildings and build some new besides it.

Me: Wait... they rebuilt it? I never knew that.

Karma: Yep. We are in the main building which was rebuilt after the old one collapsed. There is still the side wing which is from the old one and then 3 other small buildings behind this one. As said they were meant as a dorm system.

Me: Hmmmm, has anybody ever occupied it?

Karma: Thanks to the ghost stories about this place and no one really knowing it, no.

Me: Hmm that's weird. Anyways, we should probably get out of here. It's getting kind of late.

Karma: Agree on that one... tho who could have done this? It's just our students on the area...

Me: I don't know.

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