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Ever since she was diagnosed with cancer, she had withdrawn from all activities she had previously enjoyed. So much so that she refused to attend a concert by her favorite singer. As a student council representative, she had recently tried to persuade her principal to hold a concert at her college. And now that they'd finally gotten AtifAslam to perform at her college, she didn't even bring it up at home. This was not the Hafsa I had always known.

I advised her to purchase a wig for the concert, hoping to persuade her to attend. She wasn't as excited as I had expected, but she agreed to go. We bought her a new dress, and she couldn't hide her delight.

Hafsa rushed around the house getting ready for the big day. What bothered me was that Hafsa still hadn't reconciled with Ulfat, her cousin and best friend, and had only casually invited her when I insisted.

"Isn't Ulfat coming?" I inquired when I noticed Hafsa leaving alone.

"I told you she wouldn't come; if she wanted to, she'd go on her own," she retorted.

"If you had tried harder, she would not have denied you."

"What do you want me to do, drag her out with me?" she retorted.


When the doorbell rang, I presumed it was my son and husband returning from the barbershop. As a result, I was surprised to see Hafsa instead. Worse, she was in a terrible condition.

Instead of laughter and smile, what greeted me were sobs and a silent "Just leave me alone," as she rushed into her room.

Listening to no one, she locked herself up.

Maybe it was best to leave her alone, but then a loud crash from her room, made me change my mind.

"Open the door, dear," I begged, but she didn't respond.

All kinds of fears crept inside as I called for help. My brother-in-law came down and broke the door. I didn't want to think of the thoughts entering my mind. But what difference did it do?

My biggest fear came true when my brother-in-law finally broke open the door to find Hafsa lying on the ground among shattered glass, blood all over her hand.

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